sme 30/2 or TW Acustic Raven AC3

I need advice, I'm new in the world of vinyle , I have a chance For the purchase . sme 30/2 or TW Acustic Raven AC3
, I have read many review about the two great turntables
I know there are Different school . I'm confused between of them . My decision will be with me for a long time please Anyone compare sme to raven ac3 and what is your opinion of the sound differences
Any comments would be appreciated
my current system . magnepan 3.6 speakers . krell 450mcx power amp plus kct preamp , wadia 861 player .
may listening jazz vocal and classic music

Showing 1 response by elinor


Just as a footnote here, Jeff Catalano is a dealer for SRA and it is what he uses in his set-up with the TW TTs. I don't own an SRA platform. I have an Adona stand and my TW AC-1 is very happy there. I have had many audiophiles at my place and they really like the transparency, quiet backgrounds, soundstage dimensionality, and superb dynamics I get with my set-up. TW now offers its own feet with all new tables. Mine has Stillpoints.

I have heard both the SME 30/2 and the 20/2 TTs at many shows over the last 13 years. In spite of their rep and considerable build quality, I have always found them uninvolving. Of course, this is an opinion based on brief show experience and the usual show conditions. My opinion could be incorrect.