You can get enzyme based cleaning solution at much lower price tag. Once audio comes onto play the price bumps-up 10x at least. It's simply an enzyme based surgical tools cleaner which retails anywhere from $50 to $100 per gallon(check amazon
1 gallon can clean about 2..3,000 vinyls depending on contamination and it works indeed best.
Ultrasonic cleaners usually consist of an ultrasonic bath.
To fit 12" record size one should retail at $3...500 range depending on width and electric slow-rpm motor or one with reductor. Also you'll need to put together some frame for the motor. Plywood is fastest and cheapest approach to build it.
With ultrasonic cleaner all you need is distilled water, but if vinyls are highly contaminated, I'd purchase one of those enzyme cleaners in smaller quantities if possible. A gallon would be sufficient for 5k vinyls if not more when using an ultrasonic machine.
Dryer is optional especially when using enzyme cleaner. Vinyls will normally dry out with no residue at all, but optionally i'd build one using blower motor and pipes from the hydroponic gardening equipment.
Purchasing separate ultrasonic transducers and SS bath may save you even more since you don't need heater that usually supplied with any ultrasonic bath
1 gallon can clean about 2..3,000 vinyls depending on contamination and it works indeed best.
Ultrasonic cleaners usually consist of an ultrasonic bath.
To fit 12" record size one should retail at $3...500 range depending on width and electric slow-rpm motor or one with reductor. Also you'll need to put together some frame for the motor. Plywood is fastest and cheapest approach to build it.
With ultrasonic cleaner all you need is distilled water, but if vinyls are highly contaminated, I'd purchase one of those enzyme cleaners in smaller quantities if possible. A gallon would be sufficient for 5k vinyls if not more when using an ultrasonic machine.
Dryer is optional especially when using enzyme cleaner. Vinyls will normally dry out with no residue at all, but optionally i'd build one using blower motor and pipes from the hydroponic gardening equipment.
Purchasing separate ultrasonic transducers and SS bath may save you even more since you don't need heater that usually supplied with any ultrasonic bath