So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?

Pretty much as the title says.
Have been looking for a while for a decent DD table to add to my lot.
Have bought a few lower end ones and ultimately been dissapointed.
Now I know there were/ are literally hundreds of choices from the Japanese Golden era of DD tables.
Looking for suggestions from actual owners of solid DD tables up to about $1000 .
I have read and read but nothing substitutes for real experience.
This would likely not be my primary table, my Garrard 401 has that position for now.

Thank you.
Yes it is true I have bought the QLA7.
However I am still always interested and intrigued by the plethora of great vintage DD TT still out there.
All great knowledge for the future.
The Japan only market is certainly fascinating and I did peruse HiFiDo in English as well.
A dangerous site I fear..... Lol.
which MNPCTECH feet did you get for your QL-Y66F? I had a look on their website and they didn't list JVC/Victor. I think the feet on my QL-Y5 screw in with machine bolts so maybe the ones for the Pioneer would work for me.
Are you able to adjust the leveling of the table with these feet? 
Jessica, these ones: 

LARGE TECHNICS SL-1200MK DJ Turntable RISER ANTI-SKID Silver Aluminum Pedestal Feet (Set of 4).

Since they screw in, you can adjust height. 
Came across this Post by another Contributor in the past:-

 Don't get me wrong, I totally do not underestimate the importance of the speed control architecture. Motors of this type will not be speed stable under load without it. This was a second revolution (no pun intended) in the late 70s, early 80s. The big Japanese companies came up with far better control systems on their later decks (to go with the better motors) that all but eliminated the over/undershoot issues that have been attributed to DD control systems. JVC famously (and probably most successfully) came up with a double bi-directional servo that was also used in the Yamaha GT-2000 series TTs (Yamaha also used one of JVCs 4 pole coreless motors AND a 6kg platter for even smoother operation). Kenwood for the L07-D (and probably later coreless motored DDs like the KP-990 and KP-9010) had a very sophisticated double nested PLL design that was relatively "soft" and also had a 5 or 6Kg platter for inertia. 

Seems the DQX-1000 uses a JVC motor...prior to their big switch to coreless. Try to hear a TT with a coreless JVC motor and bi-directional servo if you can... 

You are wrong, the "boom" in coreless was in the late 70s and early 80s when digital controllers as such didn't even exist!! It was not cheap to implement a good controller at that time (at least the first time it was gets subsequently cheaper the more you use it...although the one in the TT101 was never simple or cheap). There is a rediscovery of that technology going on in the last few years but there was about a 30 year drought in its use in new TTs. 

Cliff, The subject of the thread is vintage Japanese DD turntables, in case it is not obvious.  So the Well Tempered Classic doesn't qualify.  You ought to try out one of the turntables we are talking about.  You'll like it.