So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
because they’re in it simply for the money, and to practice control of the needy. Just like some cable manufacturers.
Your vision of the world mimic the one of self appointed crusader or a paranoical one...

The number of psychologists which practise from the beginning for MONEY is not the majority at all.... Why? because if the money is your principal motivation you dont study psychology to begin with...

And manipulating the needy is more easy in law profession and political one.... Or big corporation....Instead of field day to day clinical psychology...

Your analysis is a projection of your own motivation perhaps or experience with a psychologist you antagonized?

Anyway your observation is completely "irrational"....

By the way most cables manufacturers are no more no less thiefs than usual commercial companies... If you think otherwise you are very inexperimented in life experience to say the least...

And answering to a perfectly logical argument like in the preceding post by an insult is more an indication of your own mental state than a description of the antagonized poster you answered to....

I am not a psychologist by the way..... But even a children can analyse your answer illogical rant....

Then i must conclude that your thread is NOT a truthful question but only a question to provoke antagonisn.... You owned already the truth and you are not interested to look for it...On the contrary you have fun mocking people  of so called " poor" understanding....It is not a sign of high level intelligence sorry...

LOL...We ALL practice psychology everyday. Professional, licensed psychologists are just like every other paid profession. Some are very good...Some are not, and shouldn’t be in the profession...because they're in it simply for the money, and to practice control of the needy. Just like some cable manufacturers.
Some of those very good psychologists you seem to have "scientifically" qualified with that statement would have a field day with you. Maybe even write a thesis on their time interviewing you.

But wait, would you demand a double blind interview, with you and a ringer behind a curtain, speaking through some form of Autotune to mask your voices so as to sound the same?

All the best,

Here is an concrete example why if you believe in equation, you're can be so wrong.  Let's take an example of silver vs. copper.  We all know silver sounds brighter compared to copper.  But it's not so obvious if you believe in the equation.  See below for the DC resistance of silver and copper which is a mere 2ohm per 1000 ft for 24-gauge.  For a typical 6ft speaker cables, the resistance difference is a miniscule .012 ohm.  For thicker 12AWG wire, that difference may even be smaller.  The objectivists looking at the equation would state that 0.012 ohm is well below the threshold of human hearing.  But it's not that simple since we can all hear the difference in silver vs. copper.

But here a curve ball.  I build my own speaker.  Now if I use a 2.0Ohm resistor on my tweeter, or a 2.012ohm I probably won't be able to hear a difference.  Why is that?  To be honest, I don't know.  But I can clearly hear the difference between silver vs. copper.

OK, now you may say skin affect is what makes a difference.  But if you use Maxwell equation to solve for skin affect, at 20KHz, the difference between silver vs. copper  going to be even more miniscule.  Objectively skin affect should only affect RF frequency.  Looking at the equation you will conclude that it's all below the threshold of human hearing.  But again we can all hear difference in silver vs. copper.

You see how the objectivists can be fooled if all they look at is the equation.  That's why they believe in these so called "measurement website".  They look at thing at only one dimension and make their own conclusion.  But there too many variables.  Too many that can be counted.

Silver and copper are the two most conductive metals known to mankind, with gold following behind in third place. The conductivity of silver clocks in at 63 x 10^6 siemens/meter, roughly seven percent higher than the conductivity of annealed copper, which stands at 59 x 10^6 siemens/meter. Measured in ohms, the difference in the resistance (the amount of electricity lost as a current travels from point A to point B through a material) of 24-gauge, 1000-foot-long silver and copper wire is minor. The resistance of the copper wire is a mere 2 ohms higher.

We all know silver sounds brighter compared to copper.  

That's as far as I got. You're beginning with an unverified premise. Where's the evidence silver sounds "brighter" than copper? What does "brighter" mean and how is it quantified? 
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