My 1993 B&K EX442 Sonata (350 wpc/4 ohms) puts me right in the studio whenever I listen to "Kind of Blue". It's pairing with my MMGs (out 3' from the wall) gives me an excellent soundstage in both width and depth.
Mine broke beyond parts-repair, 50yr tech tried four times to repair it, oh well, sold for parts. For 20+ years I was lucky to own and listen to my former dual mono B&K EX442-0 version of your amp. Your earlier version may have been a little more sweet sounding. I've shared with @hilde45 how musical and 3D that amp could be [at times]. It was $2,200 retail in 1990 I think it was. The magic would only kick in after the dual mono transformers got really HOT, and that's what killed it inside over time. Frank at AVA says B&K copied his designs, whatever the case, some of the lineup back then sounded really-really nice for the $. Digital, preamp-processors, and Home Theater software is what caused them to fold in the end beyond recovery. Sad. Had they stuck to simple 2ch audio, they'd still be around I gather. The meaty little SS affordability amps that could, and sounded a bit like tube once they got nice and toasty warm. :)
Mine broke beyond parts-repair, 50yr tech tried four times to repair it, oh well, sold for parts. For 20+ years I was lucky to own and listen to my former dual mono B&K EX442-0 version of your amp. Your earlier version may have been a little more sweet sounding. I've shared with @hilde45 how musical and 3D that amp could be [at times]. It was $2,200 retail in 1990 I think it was. The magic would only kick in after the dual mono transformers got really HOT, and that's what killed it inside over time. Frank at AVA says B&K copied his designs, whatever the case, some of the lineup back then sounded really-really nice for the $. Digital, preamp-processors, and Home Theater software is what caused them to fold in the end beyond recovery. Sad. Had they stuck to simple 2ch audio, they'd still be around I gather. The meaty little SS affordability amps that could, and sounded a bit like tube once they got nice and toasty warm. :)