Something just isn't there

I'm hoping some of you with experience can help me evaluate my system. It is, of course, hard to put words on sonic character but sometimes it just isn't there. My system is quite detailed and can have a very nice soundstage but rarely does it grab me. 

The system:Magnum Dynalab MD209 hybrid tube/SS amp,
Manley Chinook tube phono preamp,
Oracle Alexandria factory refurbished,
Oracle Prelude tonearm
Ortophon MC 20 super cart
Joseph Audio RM22si speakers
Audioquest Caldera speaker wire. 

As I have been upgrading the system, I'm left thinking that either speakers or room treatment need attention next.
My room is approximately 12x25with hardwood floor, hard surfaces including art and wooden furniture, two big sofas, and several doorways and windows.   My wife won't take kindly to funky acoustic treatments.Of course the speakers and cartridge are just plain old.  I find auditioning speakers daunting and worry that the showroom experience will not be representative of my home and my electronics. 
Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

IF you are using subs in particular, be leary of floor interactions as a primary culprit for muddy or obscured sound. Could occur with mains as well. Bass may seem muddy or fat and obscure details higher up in midrange. Suspended plywood floors are most common and susceptible. Auralex subdude platforms or similar isolating platforms are very effective addressing that when needed.

In this case what you seek may in fact be there but is obscured by your floors acoustically  acting as a part of your speakers and/or subs.
Hey lobster - Looked up your Josephs.  They resemble somewhat (2 way, lower sensitivity, driver dimensions, similar size cabinet) the Totem Forests I am running.  All the speaker placement and room treatment advice you got is worth pursuing if you are able.  I wonder if your wife would accept GIK 244 Bass Traps placed behind the speakers temporarily during listening sessions...prop 'em against wall right on the floor.  Maybe reflections in an active room are "gumming things up" sonically? i.e., depriving you of clarity in upper octaves???  

Placement was critical to getting good sound from the Forests.  Consider some plinths for the Josephs.  I have the Forests elevated almost 6" off the carpeted floor (large area rug over engineered hard wood).  Still have huge bass with nice extension on treble.  Toe-in and distance apart are other variables to experiment with.  

How long have you had the Josephs? Did the system always seem kind of "boring" to you (apologies if I'm misrepresenting your complaint about it!) What ICs are you running?
I suggest you go to a live music concert of the type of music you enjoy and would listen to at home.  When you know what you're missing you can then find the link you need.
Several have already commented.  A very large and very thick area rug should be put on the front floor between your listening position and the speakers.  As Eric has said, you can get art print acoustic panels from GIK.  You can look at different types of luxury or printed fabric that would look nice wrapped over acoustic panel material.  Too much echo or reflections can muddy or smear the sound.  All this can take away emotional connection with the music.  You have very nice equipment.  What power cable materials are you using?  I have experienced where brass components in the power source (i.e. power cord plugs, outlets) can cause the sound to be sterile.
Thank you to everyone for these ideas. 

Specifically to Ghosthouse. I've had the speakers for about 18 years.  Last year wIth my son's new interest in vinyl (age 20-a late bloomer), I decided to upgrade electronics, get my turntable spinning, and pay attention. After spending more than 6k I was hoping for more presence and wow.  

Certainly, I have a lively room and I wouldn't call the sound boring. Rather it is lacking in full cohesion.  The amp is very dynamic and seems to have vats of reserve power.  I've never heard a bit of amp fatigue.  A plug for Magnum Dynalab, the tuner is also incredible.  ICs are Audioquest Diamondback for the phono. 

Typically the speakers live 18 inches out. Just now, 40 inches from the wall has made a huge difference but still with full orchestra ( Beethoven 3rd) it blares a bit. Seems like my room may be talking to Erik suggests I seem to be getting more direct and less reflected sound with the speakers out.

As for the sub, it is certainly a muddy mess. Paradigm. Brought up from the basement low end "theater" system.  I keep it turned down. Fortunately my floors are solid old oak but that doesn't mean they aren't resonating.

I will look into acoustic panels that can appear when the boys and the bourbon come out.