Sony 9000es mods and break-in

I just received a Sony dvp-9000es. Can anyone provide me with impressions on modded improvements to sound? Is EVS ever going to begin shipping modded 9000es units? What is the estimated time the unit would be away with Dan Wright?
Should I break the unit in for 200 hours before sending it out to be modded? I live in an apartment and have a class A amplifier, so leaving my system run day and night for 200 hours is not practicable. Is there any way to safely accomplish breakin with only the cd player involved?
thanks, in advance, for your input
Thanks, Scuba
I am currently using an EVS passive preamp with Stealth M-7 cables through a LLano 200s amp into Thiel cs3.6. I certainly appreciate your comprehensive response, as well as the others. My mod budget will probably be limited to about 1k. Although I searched for info here and on audioasylum regarding break in, I was unable to definitively answer the question of whether the rest of the system needs to be on during break in. Since I have the passive, wouldn't it be the same if I left the amp off and set the passive to the lowest setting (0db), thereby shunting the entire signal to ground? I apologize, in advance if my question betrays a certain lack of knowledge regarding electronic theory. I am, after all primarily a right-brain, hedonistic kind of audiophile wannabe.
thanks, Phil
Jphl, You should be able to break in your unit using a repeat feature on your unit. Use a break-in-track on the purist audio CD, sheffield, reference etc. All that needs to be on is your CD player. Everything downstream only amplifies this signal and isn't needed to be on. Do connect the interconnects to your preamp from CD player however. The ideal way is to have at least your preamp on at the same time, non-muted with amps off. If you don't have a burn-in cd, put on a cd that has a broad range of signal frequency. While this may be bordering on audilphile witchcraft, I will share it with you. I have experienced using different musical discs and had that type of sound or tonal balance imprint on the music of other discs. I will clarify. If you want to tone down a harsh system use a very plush, mellow disc, preferably one with a good analog master (JVC XRCD's are good as are Chesky, Sheffield) and play them for 24 hours. The theory is that there is some atomic/electron realignment going on. Who knows, this may just be placebo working. 30% of people who receive a placebo medication report feeling better. I will not say this is not possible, but I have convinved myself on more than one occasion that the music became brighter or smoother/mellow depending on the disc I used for 24 hours on repeat. Also, many laugh at the notion that things need to be broken in at all. Hope this helps, Happy listening, Jallen
Hi: I had my 9000es to modify by Stan Warren of Supermode (541/344-3696). I cost me $275, I believe. He changed capacitors (Black Gate) Op-Amps and something else. As usual, Stan's mod resulted in fantastic sound improvments.
Good luck, Simon
I know Ric at EVS is going to replace the op amps with a discrete FET output stage, but does anyone know if Dan Wright or Stan Warren do a similar type mod or do they just substitute higher quality op amps? Just curious.
