Sony or Panasonic 4K Player vs. Magnetar or Reavon Universal Player

My aging Oppo 105 is my source for watching DVDs, Blu-Rays, and listening to multi-channel SACD and DVD-Audio discs. It does not have 4K capability. I am looking to add 4K UHD capability to my system to watch all the great 4K UHD Blu-rays that are being released. My options are to buy a dedicated Panasonic or Sony 4K UHD Player, or to go all in with a Magnetar or Reavon Universal Player. At this point, my Oppo 105 is still working, and I use it to play multi-channel DVD and Blu-ray concerts, SACDs and sometimes DVD-Audio discs. My main digital audio source is my Denon DCD A110 two channel SACD/CD player. I find this source is so good, it presents an impressive soundstage with only two channels. So, do I add a dedicated Sony or Panasonic 4K UHD player, or buy insurance for my Oppo, and add 4K UHD, while retaining the ability to play SACDs and DVD-Audio discs? Here are some of the units I am looking at for this purpose: SONY UBP-X800M2 for around $225.00. Panasonic DP-UB9000P1K Reference Class 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player with HDR10+ and Dolby Vision Playback for about $1,000. Panasonic Streaming 4K Blu Ray Player with Dolby Vision and HDR10+ Ultra HD Premium Video Playback, Hi-Res Audio, Voice Assist - DP-UB820-K for about $450.00. Reavon X200 for about $1,750. Magnetar UDP 800 for $1,599.00. Magnetar UDP 900 for $2,999.00. The costs range from $250.00 to $2,999.00. I have the funds for the flagship Magnetar, but I don’t want to spend that much. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrlou77

I have the Oppo 205 and for me it’s not leaving anytime soon, unless it quits and can’t be repaired. If I did have to get another player I would most likely go for the Magnetar. The Oppo has far more digital inputs than the Magnetar and they both use the same dac chips although the dac chip for the surround domain in the  Magnetar is actually a lesser version than in the older Oppo 205.

Didn’t know Magnetar is made by the same group that was responsible for Oppo blu ray players! At the time when Oppo still made players I was considering their 205 for surround SACD duty but was always put off by comments online that Oppo sacd playback quality was sterile and not on par with the caliber of DACs that they used. Can anyone comment on Magnetar SACD capabilities in multichannel?

Not from personal experience.  The reviews have been favorable, and I don’t agree with the statement that you made about the 205

From experience I can say that as a CD player, the Oppo 205 is average (6/10). But use it as a DAC and you will start wondering what high end DACs might bring to the table (8/10). It is that good.