Sonys faber Amati G5

Need some advice on what 2 channel amp to drive these with


Audio Research is a good match for Sonus Faber speakers. They don't require a lot of power at 91db, so you have many choices depending on your budget and room dimensions.

I’ve heard them with Moon separates and Gryphon separates and Acuphase integrated and Audio Research separates. For my ear, it was the Audio Research REF 6SE and 160S. (If I had the room, I would have bought a pair of 160M’s)

I had a pair of SF Serafino’s at the time.

I’m currently breaking in a new pair of Amati Traditions with ARC gear and I’m so happy.

Is there any chance your dealer would let you audition any stuff at home…??


have fun…!

I just saw your budget… sorry…!! What about a Gryphon Diablo 300 used……?? Amazing sounding amp that I also owned for about a year with my Serafino’s.

Very nice speakers!  I can say what doesn't work, the Mac MA12000 integrated was clipping driving Amatis.

You really need to share what sound characteristics you’re looking for and are most important to you, otherwise you’re just gonna get suggestions of what other people like that may or may not coincide with your tastes/goals.  Also, are you looking for an integrated amp and are you looking for new or used?