Audio is all about sound. And sound contains of different properties. We are not talking about rocket science.
Tru-Fi proofs on facts that people use their systems a lot more and even for a much longer time at the same moment. The biggest limitation in audio is the acoustic influence of a room.
We created Statement Audio Pro-measurement. It not only limits the problems caused by the room. It gives us access to a bigger freq. response. And a lot more layers in the whole freq. range.
Diversity in sound is the most important property based on the fact that it has the biggest influence on our emotion.
The harmonics in sound are very important to experience the emotion of music. And again this has nothing to do with a personal taste. When an audio system can reveal more layers in the whole freq. range it will effect the human emotion a lot more.
When I read this thread, many experience cd-players as more musical. And I understand them all. is based on the fact that many dacs and networkplayers are so limited in diversity in sound. This is not due to streaming. We tested many dacs and networkplayers.
Many where poor in diversity in sound. This is the main reason why a lot of people still use their cd-players. When a source has an inbuild dac, it is a lot more easy to create diversity (layering) in sound.
USB is an imporant reason why many people experience their music lacking emotion. Again this has nothing to do with personal taste. The facts proof that it limits the level in layering in sound. And again it can be easily proven by shootout and sound.
Tru-Fi systems outperform incomplete trail and error systems. Over and over again as often you would like to hear. Due to the superior level in intensity and emotion. People should start to read about sound and also about our brain regarding the emotion we experience with music.
It will make you aware and be able to understand audio a lot better than you understand it at this moment. Audio needs parameters so it becomes more easy for people to understand what sound is and does to our emotion.
When you add a different loudspeaker, source, cable, amp or cable, you add new DNA. So it influence the sound and stage differently. But...when you have no idea what is changed and why. You are making choices by pure guessing.
The real reason why so many people are not satisfied with their system is based on the lack of different properties of sound who are missing. And even this can be proven by sound. Trial and error is audiogambling. This makes it very easy to understand why the systems are far from perfect.
They own a low level in emotion, and again we are talking about facts!
Tru-Fi proofs on facts that people use their systems a lot more and even for a much longer time at the same moment. The biggest limitation in audio is the acoustic influence of a room.
We created Statement Audio Pro-measurement. It not only limits the problems caused by the room. It gives us access to a bigger freq. response. And a lot more layers in the whole freq. range.
Diversity in sound is the most important property based on the fact that it has the biggest influence on our emotion.
The harmonics in sound are very important to experience the emotion of music. And again this has nothing to do with a personal taste. When an audio system can reveal more layers in the whole freq. range it will effect the human emotion a lot more.
When I read this thread, many experience cd-players as more musical. And I understand them all. is based on the fact that many dacs and networkplayers are so limited in diversity in sound. This is not due to streaming. We tested many dacs and networkplayers.
Many where poor in diversity in sound. This is the main reason why a lot of people still use their cd-players. When a source has an inbuild dac, it is a lot more easy to create diversity (layering) in sound.
USB is an imporant reason why many people experience their music lacking emotion. Again this has nothing to do with personal taste. The facts proof that it limits the level in layering in sound. And again it can be easily proven by shootout and sound.
Tru-Fi systems outperform incomplete trail and error systems. Over and over again as often you would like to hear. Due to the superior level in intensity and emotion. People should start to read about sound and also about our brain regarding the emotion we experience with music.
It will make you aware and be able to understand audio a lot better than you understand it at this moment. Audio needs parameters so it becomes more easy for people to understand what sound is and does to our emotion.
When you add a different loudspeaker, source, cable, amp or cable, you add new DNA. So it influence the sound and stage differently. But...when you have no idea what is changed and why. You are making choices by pure guessing.
The real reason why so many people are not satisfied with their system is based on the lack of different properties of sound who are missing. And even this can be proven by sound. Trial and error is audiogambling. This makes it very easy to understand why the systems are far from perfect.
They own a low level in emotion, and again we are talking about facts!