Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience
I have experienced the apparent superiority of DVDs, Blurays and 4K blurays to streaming 1080 and 4K videos over the internet on a Sony 940D 75" monitor (I employ higher end cabling and a Synergistic Research black duplex with Stillpoints for vibration control under the non-video monitor equipment).  Maybe I just need a better streamer (at 300 Mbs speed) but I prefer the media to the streaming.  I still enjoy streaming video.  

As to audio, I prefer the physical media as well but don't have the streaming capabilities of the video system.  I listen to 78s, LPs and CDs.  I say that my video system is closer to perfection for visual enjoyment than my audio system.  Yet I spend hours per day/night listening to music rather than watching TV.   I get such a high level of emotion out of my audio system that I long to listen to music daily.  I'm addicted to music more than I am to equipment despite being an audiophile.  I rarely change equipment, only tweaks (cables, acoustic treatments and vibration controls).  What I lack in ultimate resolution (such as rampant among the newest high end speakers), I have in tone qualilty, harmonic layering, dynamics and rhythm/pace of the music.  It a sign of how good it is when friends and acquaintances don't want to leave when listening to music in my home-they are immersed in a sonic wonderland.  
I first got the audio/music bug at 5 years old when listening to my uncle's 5 way mono box speaker system with a 15" woofer powered by Heathkit pre-amp and amp and an AR turntable back in 1961.  Sure, it wasn't high resoultion or stereo.  So what?  It was both gorgeous sounding and super dynamic for his average size living room.  I always requested visiting his home to hear his 500 record collection from doo-wap, to opera, classical and pop.  All in glorious mono.
The greatest thing about Tru-Fi is that it creates a level in quality what is affordable for many more people. It proofs that you can get a system what brings you closer to the music for a lot less money.

People have no idea how much the acoustic, smog, highfrequent noise and magnetism limits the effectiveness of each part in your system. You only have accesss to a very limited level of the full potential of each part.

And again we can proof this with sound over and over again. The sound will always proof the truth. The highend shows in Munic proof each single year that money will never help you or give you a stunning level in sound quality.

Diversity (layering) in sound has the biggest influence on our emotion. So even a mono loudspeaker what is able to create a good level in layering in sound will make us experience emotion during listening to music.

But when you let people hear a system what can reveal all the details and aspects of a recording the experience will become a lot more intense.


You still haven't answered my question. So to you the Lumin is an absolute best (best of the best) and the all the other brands are garbage or is Lumin the best in their price points? 

I have been putting off getting a music server, I really like owning the physical CD.  For the last few years I was listening to a hard drive with my CDs ripped to FLAC via computer through my OPPO player and DAC.  While the sound and overall convenience was great it really was a PITA to unplug the drive and plug it into a PC to add music.  

I finally caved in and bought a BlueSound Vault 2i and although I just set it up I can say I think it was a worthwhile purchase.  Set up was super easy, I was playing songs from my drive , listening to internet radio, sending music from my tablet to it via Blutooth...   this thing is like the Swiss Army knife of gadgets.