Soundstage depth and width

Which one is more important? It is the depth to me, I don't tolerate flat sound.
The room is the most important, you can have the best gear, best speakers, and still have a poor sounding setup without a well set up listening room.

To me it's a serious piece of equipment, but to others I'm sure it's just an old integrated, riddled with "design flaws." I've never heard these flaws, but have read all about them. Damn haters. ;)
Audiophile wannabe…?

I don’t think anyone in their right mind “wants to be” an audiophile. It’s a damn obsessive curse!!

Ebm – LOL! I like your style!
Rrog – too funny!

If money and time weren't an issue - and I mean a complete non-issue - I think we would all be quite content with spending countless hours and dollars tooling with this, that and the other to bring our favorite music closer and closer to whatever each of us considers "perfection"... But since that's not the case, at least for most of us (I would guess), the process can be a rather demoralizing one, where time and money that should really be spent elsewhere is spent pacing around amongst wires and objects, moving this here and that there and saving "secret money" - you know who you are (uhem, me too) - for that "last component."

But, oh well. :)
Geeze, Ballywho, when you put it that way, I feel really creepy (especially about the "secret money"). But, like you said..."oh well!"