Speaker Cable Lengths - W/ Monos

I'm considering having the manufacturer of my 10 foot cables cut the cables in half and re-terminate them for use with my Monoblocks in a Bi-wire configuration. They are very expensive cables, however, and I'd hate to cut myself short on cable (while also ruining their resale). At the same time, I'd hate to double up the longer length due to costs if I can help it.

My short term listening room will work easily with 4 1/2 to 5 foot cables, however, I'm not sure about a future room I'm planning.

What are typical cable lengths for those of you running monos out there? Is five feet usually enough? How far away from my speakers should my 150 lb. monos be?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Showing 2 responses by garfish

Audioman; I'm facing the same decision, and I've decided to keep my long speaker cables, then buy an 8 ft. pair of the same brand cables-- used, eg from Audiogon, and have them cut and terminated to less than 3 ft. for use in bi-amping. Good Luck. Craig
Hi Eldon; your input is certainly useful for Mapleshade cables. BUT, if you want to try out other shorter spkr cables, at some point you've got to "pay the price". I have used 14 ft. Syn. Res. cables for years, but I'm going to bi-amps, and could then use about 3 ft. cables.

The cheapest way for me to try them is to buy a 6-8 ft. pair used and have them cut (for bi-wires) and re-terminated. I intend to keep my 14 ft. cables at least ubtil I find out whether or not the 3 ft. ones sound better. There is a "particle" of financial risk in many things audio. No? You suggest "caution" re cutting speaker cables-- well, how would you do this test cheaper? Note: long (read expensive) ICs will be needed also. At some point, one just has to "bite the bullet" and do it, IMO. Cheers. Craig.