Speaker choice, help please.

I am thinking of getting a new pair of speakers. My current set is Sonus Faber Signum on its wood stands.
- Distance from speakers: 9 ft
- Distance between speakers: 8 ft
- Room dimention: 22' x 12' x 9'
- There are equipment rack and TV set between speakers
- Distance from front wall to speaker: 1' or less
- Front wall (facing me): usual apartment wall, no treatment is possible.
- Monitor on stand preferred (but can be flexible as long as it is not too big).
- Have subwoofer (REL Strata II, not III): need to change as well?

Now, given conditions above, I am looking for something with very wide and deep sound stage, and easy-to-disappear kinds + of course great sound. My kind of music is classic - violin, piano, orchestra - relatively warm side, and accurate from top to bottom is required if at all possible. Yes, I like Sonus Faber sound, but would like to have broader recommendation. Budget is not much of concern for now. Thanks in advance.
>There are equipment rack and TV set between speakers
- Distance from front wall to speaker: 1' or less<

These two things alone are going to dictate the sound of whatever you buy. And it is going to be severely limiting. Nothing will perform optimally, just so you know going in....

Thank you.
I have listened to Merlin at various shows more than a few times, but somehow was not impressed. Must be the room, though, or different cup of tee.
I know the limitation. I know everybody recommends against it. But I have to live with what I have. Not everybody is fortunate to have a dedicated audio room, especially in NYC apartment dwellers. Thanks anyway.
As far as the sub question goes. It depends on your taste.Some of these single drivers benefit from the addition of a subwoofer or subwoofers. There are a few that work well without a sub. The Bob Brines FT-2000s get down around 30 Hz. The FTA-2000's are also spec to do the same. From living with these speakers I've concluded they go lower than what the specs say. I'm getting into the 20 Hz range without boom in my room with single drivers. The room loading is different from room to room.So your results may vary. The Jordan TL may be your best bet mated with a sub.
Thanks. I will try both ways. If I decided I don't need it, I will get rid of it :-)
Like you pointed out, I am leanig toward trying out Jordan stuff. Must be very interesting.
Thanks again for your suggestion.
Khokugo there's one pair of Bob Brines FTA-2000s in New York city.Audiogon member Bemopti123 (AKA Paul) owns them.
He may give you a listen. Do a members search and email him. He's a nice fellow. FYI there's only four pairs of this speaker in the world built by Mr.Brines and one is close enough for you to get a listen.

Good luck!