Speaker Jumpers

I am using Cardas speaker cables. Is it better to replace the cheap brass speaker jumpers with Cardas wire jumpers or the solid copper jumpers ?
Cardas may be able to reterminate your speaker cables so they are bi-wired. Call them. 
I don't know if the Cardas solid jumpers are better than the wire ones. I have never tried either one.
I appreciate all the good feedback and advice from all of you. I would like to bi-wire but my speaker cable model are no longer being made. It's too bad because my amp is made for bi-wiring. The Maze Reference jumpers look really good and are not expensive. I am going to try them because I can't get jumpers of my model cables either. I'll let you know how it works out when I get them. Also, I can take my time and look for a used set of my speaker cables for bi-wiring. I just started to break in a new pair of speakers and that's why I want everything to be right.
OP, another thing to consider is to borrow a bi-wire set of cables from your local Cardas dealer, if possible, and try that before deciding whether to use a high-quality jumper cable or go to bi-wiring.
If you like your current Cardas speaker cables and they're not bi-wire, I recommend trying Cardas stranded (not solid) jumper cables instead of going straight to bi-wire. My personal experience is that stock brass jumper plates, or solid rods or plates, had a very negative impact on SQ. I've been using bi-wire for some time, but always used a quality jumper cable when not bi-wiring; using the same brand and model of jumper as the speaker wires. Bi-wiring may or may not do anything for you over the quality-jumper approach.
...I think I hear a diff since I biwired  my Gershman Avant Gardes - have you considered that? 
I doubt that a few inches of metal (round, square, flat) as ANY effect on SQ! Look inside your speakers. A lot of wire of so-so quality connecting drivers and crossovers! And you're worrying about mere inches? 
Yes, I've heard you should use the same model cable for jumpers. I was wondering if anyone has tried the Cardas solid copper jumpers. They come unplated, gold plated, and rhodium plated. As for the no reply, why not?

Yes, get the same brand, if possible the same model of cable for the jumpers.