I did an A-B swap-in / swap-out bake off between biwired vs single runs and matched jumpers with NORDOST FREY speaker cables in MY system ( emphasis added ))
The clear winner for me was a stepped up variant of the single cable option: a full doubled up shotgunned loom of FREYs with matched shotgunned FREY jumpers. It mirrored the NORDOST commentary below vis-a-vis the key point already highlighted, in that high quality single runs with high quality jumpers will invariably best cheap quality bi-wires.
There is no onesize fits all approach .... full stop. The only way to know is to actually do an A-B shootout.
I would not buy any uber- expensive cables (bi wires or changing to single & jumpers ) until I satisfied myself that which option is the best option forward FIRST.
The clear winner for me was a stepped up variant of the single cable option: a full doubled up shotgunned loom of FREYs with matched shotgunned FREY jumpers. It mirrored the NORDOST commentary below vis-a-vis the key point already highlighted, in that high quality single runs with high quality jumpers will invariably best cheap quality bi-wires.
There is no onesize fits all approach .... full stop. The only way to know is to actually do an A-B shootout.
I would not buy any uber- expensive cables (bi wires or changing to single & jumpers ) until I satisfied myself that which option is the best option forward FIRST.