Speaker Jumpers - Same Brand as Speaker Cables?

My speakers are best bi-wired. I currently have bi-wire speaker cables, but am considering buying very high-priced and probably better speaker cables that are single wire. The manufacturer of the new cables sells jumpers, but they are very expensive and not available used. Do I run an audible risk if I use jumpers from another manufacturer, or should I be "in for a penny, in for a pound" and bite the bullet? Thanks for the advice.
There's nothing between the lower and upper post except a small ridge that's part of the plastic encasement they reside in. Positive on one side, negative on the other. I checked out the eye of the post for the terminal and fortunately, it runs straight up so it's a straight shot from the bottom one to the top one, except for the slight ridge in between.

I haven't checked all of them but even if one is not truly straight up, it would be no more difficult than bending the wire some around the post, giving it more contact area, and then affixing it to the upper post.

All the best,
I use AQ bare jumpers:  https://www.amazon.com/SET-4-GOLD-BIWIRE-JUMPERS/dp/B005A5Z758/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1519352772...

They also come silver plated.  More expensive jumpers offer fancy insulation material, while bare jumpers (if you can use them) offer the best insulation available: air

I did an A-B swap-in / swap-out bake off between biwired vs single runs and matched jumpers with NORDOST FREY speaker cables in MY system ( emphasis added ))

The clear winner for me was a stepped up variant of the single cable option: a full doubled up shotgunned loom of FREYs with matched shotgunned FREY jumpers. It mirrored the NORDOST commentary below vis-a-vis the  key point already highlighted,  in that high quality single runs with high quality jumpers will invariably best cheap quality bi-wires.


There is no onesize fits all approach .... full stop. The only way to know is to actually do an A-B shootout.

 I would not buy any uber- expensive cables (bi wires or changing to single & jumpers ) until I satisfied myself that which option is the best option forward FIRST.

Wireworld makes matching jumpers for all its speaker cables, which range over a wide gamut of prices.