Speaker of My House…!

Hey Boys - (and gals if there are any here)

It’s time to usher in a new speaker. It needs to be nuanced and elegant. It needs to party but also be super fast and detailed. No muddy lows or shrieking highs. It needs to image like electrostatic speakers but with a large sweet spot. I don’t have room for Subs, so I need at least 25hz.

My new speakers are probably floor standers and they need to look beautiful.

My current Amp is an ARC 160s.

Source is Rossini Apex

My main listening room is about 18’ X 22’ with vaulted 12’ ceiling. My system also spends time in my home office which is small - 13’ X 14’ also with high vaulted ceilings and as many room treatments as I could fit.

I just sold my 18 month old Sonus Faber Serafino Traditions. I loved a lot about them. Probably still the prettiest speaker I’ve ever seen and at just under $20k new, pretty awesome sounding. They really ticked all the boxes in so many areas but they got a little breathless in my larger room. Mostly the bass got lost and less detailed.


I’m considering the new SF Amati’s.

Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene

Wilson Sasha DAW (ugh - I know, but that sound..!)

So…. Let’s have it. Whatta you guys think I should consider…?

(Im not ready for Maggie’s just yet)

Thanks for your help..!





@dsnyder0cnn - I think it comes down to a system that I can tolerate in the smaller room and that excels in the larger room.

And it's actually three different rooms.... For me...to be honest... the journey is just as important and fun as the final outcome... 


I suppose that's frustrating and hard to advise.... Sorry bout that..!


I saw some of the photos. Looks like quite a project. One more question for clarification:

Is your plan to regularly move this system between these two rooms, or is this a more-or-less permanent move from the larger room to the smaller one? If the former, it looks like you may have enough equipment for two systems. Perhaps do that instead?

…what I'm getting at is that it's difficult to make a recommendation that will work equally well in two different rooms. If folks here could know where this system will ultimately land or at least spend most of its time, I imagine you'd get more helpful answers. In my experience, one must choose the right loudspeakers for the room to get the best results.

Using the Legacy Aeris as an example, my experience with it's smaller sibling (the Focus XD) taught me that you have to sit at least ten feet away for all six front-firing drivers to integrate seamlessly as a point-source. That is impractical in your smaller room.



it comes down to a system that I can tolerate in the smaller room and that excels in the larger room.

This concept is difficult for me to fathom. It usually takes me a month of weekends to get a system dialed-in for a given room. Once it’s performing at its peak, I don’t want to touch a thing! At least not for a long while. I can’t imagine rotating a system across three different rooms.

Minimally, I would purchase three pairs of loudspeakers, once that will perform optimally for each room. Matching amplification to the loudspeakers is also important, so I might also purchase dedicated amplification for one or more rooms.

I’m at a loss for how to help, but perhaps our exchange will be informative to others here. Good luck!


I'm with @dsnyder0cnn on this--given the disparity in room sizes finding a one size fits all loudspeaker is tricky, not to mention the logistics of moving such a speaker.  The Rockport Aviors that i originally recommended weigh 220 lbs each and i'd be concerned for your nice hardwood floors.  I suppose you could dial in a single pair in each room and mark the location with tape or something--i also have 3 different rooms in which i have systems but my floorstanders remain in the main listening room and i purchased stand-mounts for the other two--there are many outstanding (and pretty) stand-mounts you could use for the two smaller rooms but if you're looking for full range, good looking speakers in each room your budget will blow through the roof (although you've never mentioned how much it is i think we assumed based on your current speakers)--good luck

@dsnyder0cnn I guess I want a system that sings in my larger room and sounds good in my office. It’s not easy to move all that junk to be honest, but I love it…! I’ve gotten really good at dialing the system in for each room….