Dlcockrum, the speakers stop just before the rug, to move them fully onto the rug will be too much for the look of the room. It is a living room & Audio room, so there has to be a balance.
several of you mention more toe in. I think that is what I am going to try. I always thought very moderate toe in was preferable. Coincidentally, I went to an audio event at a local shop this week, a demonstration of Wilson Alexia 2, fancy DCS digital stuff, and D’agostino amps. Peter McGrath from Wilson was there. The alexias were toed in to an extreme (by my eye) amount. Peter explained this to me, and it appears that you all are on the right track with advise on my system. More toe in!
perhaps this evening I’ll kick them out 6 more inches, to shore up that equilateral disparity a touch, and toe them in so the tweeter axis crosses just behind my ears.
several of you mention more toe in. I think that is what I am going to try. I always thought very moderate toe in was preferable. Coincidentally, I went to an audio event at a local shop this week, a demonstration of Wilson Alexia 2, fancy DCS digital stuff, and D’agostino amps. Peter McGrath from Wilson was there. The alexias were toed in to an extreme (by my eye) amount. Peter explained this to me, and it appears that you all are on the right track with advise on my system. More toe in!
perhaps this evening I’ll kick them out 6 more inches, to shore up that equilateral disparity a touch, and toe them in so the tweeter axis crosses just behind my ears.