Speaker recommendation for a Fisher 500-c

I just bought a Fisher 500-c that I will be getting restored. I am looking for a speaker that will work well with it either vintage or current. While price plays a factor for arguments sake let's say no more than $2500. In addition to maybe exclusivly using with this receiver I may use with my Marantz 2270 or Mac MA-6600. 
I had a Fisher 500C that I got at a yard sale for $1 modded by BWS Consulting of Arlington Va with Bendix Aircraft output tubes and robust power supply. I got a deal from someone who was closing his store on a new pair of Fulton Nuance three-way speakers. This turned out to be a very good combination. I also was using TG Audio cabling and power cords which didn’t hurt. The Fultons are more extended on both ends and much more dynamic than my previous speakers which were naked '57 Quads.

As I write this, there's a pair of KEF Cantata's in Monterey, California.  He's asking $450.  This is the sound that established KEF as a hi-end manufacturer of loudspeakers.  You won't be sorry.

I have just the loudspeaker for you and it's a boatload less than your $2500 budget.  I've got a buddy who runs a vintage pair of KEF Calinda loudspeakers that he drives with a Marantz 8B power amp.   This is one of the most pleasurable and thoroughly enjoyable audio systems I've ever heard, at any price.  Really.

Your 500C is about 25 wpc and the Marantz 8B is 35 wpc, so they're in a similar power range and I feel would be a good match for the KEF Calinda.   The Calinda and the Cantata were KEF's big loudspeakers back around 1980.  

Being as old as they are, they're difficult to find, but when you do, they'll be priced at $500/pair or less.  If you persist and are resourceful, you'll find a pair in a few months time.  You'll probably have to spend some money on shipping as well, but given your budget, this is something you'll readily afford.  You will NOT be sorry.  Truly wonderful!
I own a Fisher 500C it needs work and is on the "to do" list. It's not the most powerful thing or most accurate out there perhaps has 30W. I love how they look, simply beautiful.
Dynaco A25's would be a good match for the Fisher. The A-25 would need the caps and tweeter replaced for best sound. All in for under $400.00 easy!
We have a rebuilt pair of A-25's in the living room with McIntosh MX110Z and MC2505 great vintage sound.
Can anyone recommend a tech who is very good with tubes? Need some work on my Fisher 400 receiver, Im in the Dallas area, would prefer to deliver/pick up than trust UPS or FEDEX 
If you can find a set of Audiokinesis loudspeakers you will do well. IMO a speaker that is easy to drive will be important.
Last year, I bought a Fisher 500-C and a Fisher 400. Both receivers were superbly restored by Analog Engineering Associates in California, and I highly recommend them if you have not already made other arrangements. AEA's roots go back to the early 1970's when Avery Fisher and Saul Marantz served on their Board of Directors. Enjoy your 500-C -- it's a great classic! I've used my 500-C with speakers ranging from my Vandy 3A Sig's to a vintage pair of KLH Model 6's and Mission Audio Silver RX2's (a really excellent small speaker, BTW).

 I have just fired up the Fisher 100b integrated amp that I inherited from my dad. I had it refurbished, but not "restored"
looking to retain the original look and patina. I was wondering what speakers I would want to use it with, but could not make a decision and besides,
   I did not need another entirely new system. Long story short, I hooked it up in my main music room and it sounds amazingly good. I am using my Emm labs sacd transport and dac and Magico Q3s.
   The sounds is very relaxed and smooth without any strain or edge. I have listened to it for hours at a time, smiling all the while..I was concerned about the relatively low output ( about 20W ) with the Magico's 90db efficiency, but in the end it is not a problem in the least.
   Just my experience, but I would strongly suggest that you experiment with all manor of reasonably efficient speakers...you may well be very pleasantly surprised by the results...
Great amp you will love it. Good ideas above. Other ideas would be used harbeths, restored tannoy hpds, b&w floorstandsrs from the 1980s (trust me on this). For new speakers could try new tannoys. Enjoy. 
I have a fisher 400 which I use with my Ref3a DeCapos. And a Marantz 2270 that likes Advents, either model. Last but not least...a pair of Aztec Petites that work well with any of my Japanese receivers. If anyone knows anything about Aztec Audio,please advise