Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range

I'm in the market for a good, full-range speaker for simple stereo listening. I have an Anthem TLP-1 preamp, and will probably get an anthem amp to drive the speakers as well. I'd like full-range speakers (where no sub is needed)...and my budget will be between $3,500-$4,000.

I just finished mastering a CD at MasterMix in Nashville, so I've spent 12 hours in front of the finest PMC monitor system in the US...so that is point of reference. Thanks for any input!!!
Hello Clay,

I would guess that the finest PMC monitor system in the US is a tough act to follow...

First I'd suggest you make your speaker choice before you finalize your amplifier choice.

I'd like to ask a few questions, not that you haven't thought of these things, but just to give me a better chance of making a useful suggestion. Don't answer them all, just the ones that you think are important.

What are your listening habits? How loud, how soft, for how long at a time? What types of music? What makes the magic happen for you? Do you sit in the "sweet spot", share the sweet spot with someone sweet, or sometimes move around while the music is playing?

What size room do you have? Are you free to place the speakers wherever you want? How important is the speakers' appearance? How would you characterize the room acoustics - live, dead, somewhere in between?

What speaker shortcomings do you especially want to avoid - in other words, what ruins the magic for you?

I'm kind of excited about the prospect of making a suggestion or two to someone who masters recordings professionally. Don't worry, my suggestion(s) won't necessarily be something I sell.

Best of luck in your quest,

Many people suggest the one make or model they like, but I would watch this thread with interest to see if there is any consensus among those who have heard many contenders. I cannot make specific recommendations because I have not engaged in comparative listening for many years, but just trying to be helpful, I can see two directions for you.

(1) The first is to go with British brands such as ATC, Harbeth, Proac, Spendor.

(2) The second would be highly regarded newcomers like Salk, Silverline, Tyler, Zu.

The best sound for the money is often a used model, but some of these makes are so thinly distributed that the used market is practically non-existent.

It would help to know your listning tastes, room, what speakers you have now, etc.
Used pair of Energy Veritas 2.4, or new pair for $4,500. Otherwise I would suggest Harbeth Monitor 40.