Speaker suggestions under 4k

Well here it is. I sold my Tekton Double Impacts and my Lyngdorf 2170 a while back. I thought it sounded very good! I was getting out of audio and wasn't listening much anymore. Well..... now winter is here, I'm bored and have the itch to get something descent again. 
I like rock/metal/bluegrass/ acoustic/ some country. I need impact and good midbass and low fatigue. I have a Crown DCI 4/300 and a upgraded Jolida Fusion preamp at the moment. Plenty of power for almost anything. 

My biggest pet peeve is cabinets that start talking at high levels or when the sound hardens at high levels. 

Willing to drive up to 300miles 1 way for the right deal and I am in West Mi. A little older does not bother me at all. I've just started looking and a few I've been eying are:
Aerial LR5 or Model 9
Dali MS4
LSA 20 statements (new)
KEF 205/2
Dynaudio Focus 360

Any others anyone feels I should keep an eye out for in this price range? 

If you don't like cabinet noise, why not get rid of the cabinets? Plenty of options in your price range.
Subject to caveat emptor and all of that, if I were in the market actively at this point, I already would have jumped on the Pioneer S-1EX’s on offer through eBay (and perhaps elsewhere).  TAD drivers and beryllium tweeter, high-line Andrew Jones design. I have the smaller and presumably lesser S-4EXs (no beryllium, monitors) mounted atop a pair of JBL PS1400s and will never sell them.   Shipping is the only thing I would have any concerns about.

 I have seen a range of B&W 803s at or below your price point that also would draw my attention, along with a smattering of Harbeths and Spendors.   It is a rather seemingly obscure model, but for a good price — $720.00 — offset by a potentially longish drive, I might check out the Spendor S9s available in Minnesota or Wisconsin (as I recall) Then, I would grab the Spendor center channel offered on eBay or one of the audio sites listed at a starting bid of $499.00.   
If your ceiling (amplitude?) goes up a bit, the Joseph Pulsars listed somewhere for $6,000.00 (perhaps put in a sensible offer) look beautiful.  The Pioneers would be my first pursuit, all things considered, but there are a lot of amazing speakers out there right now in your pricing realm.  
I’d dump the Crown amp and get a good home audio amp after I selected my loudspeakers. Your amp is a weak spot and better loudspeakers will just make it worse. 
Are you willing to start from scratch?-Sell your amp and pre?
Do you have flexibility in your budget?
A quick HifiShark seem to show that selling the remaining pieces of equipment should yield you another $2K.
So, that would make it $6K available.
Now, do you want to buy used or new?
