Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)

Anyone care to give their opinion on what dynamic speaker has the most detailed/revealing midrange? Not including electrostatics or planar speakers. Approximately between the frequencies of 400Hz to 3kHz. Also, just to clarify what I mean by detail: when there is a musical passage that entails many different layers of instruments, the speakers' ability to separate all the elements so all the instruments are heard clearly and nothing is obscured. Also the ability to retrieve every last bit of information on a recording, such as random sounds in the studio, distortion in recordings and reverb tails.

As far as price goes... 2 categories... below $12,000 USD (new) and any price range. Thanks.
Have ATC150 asl and Tannoy DC10a for main systems. Sometimes changing the DC10a for Gamut L3, Lipinski L707s or Westlake BBSM10. All of them using the ATC woofers for the low bass (Lyngdorf crossover). Having a good time? Can confess that the Lipinskis are beautiful speakers. Marketed as pro monitors, but i believe they are too good sounding to be working tools. You just want to listen.... Would like the active Lipinski monitors and often think of buying the smaller L-505. I think you can buy Lipinski new from Germany and Greece. Sometimes you find them used. For active monitors the Unity Audio Boulders mk2 (or mk3) should not be overseen. There’s so many fine speakers.... :-)
I have heard Harbeth and could easily live with them although I use ATC.

Harbeth have a bit of coloration from the cabinet but it is pleasant. They don’t do full orchestral, big band or loud rock with quite the aplomb of ATC. Harbeth are however wonderful and easy to listen to! Great mid range and lovely classic FM sound.

You must audition Harbeth - they may indeed float your boat. The Compact 7ES3 is their best and most balanced sounding.

Thiel CS3.7's are pretty decent. Personally, I like Audio Physic (from the Joachim Gerhardt era), they tend to be very clean and clear in the midrange.
Over the holidays I took delivery of a pair of Daedalus Apollo's. With the lion's share of the break in process complete, I can say with confidence that the midrange presentation hits that very elusive sweet spot where tonal fidelity, extraordinary detail and an overall balance meet. I'll be listening and writing more about these soon but as I shut the system down after a late night session the other day this thread came to mind and thought I would chime in once more.
Another vote for ATC’s midrange. I have a pair of Proac’s that utilize that incredible mid-driver.