Spectron Musician II -- deep bass perfomance??

I am considering purchasing this amp, and have read all the "raves" but was just wondering how this amp performs on the bass-end of the music scale?

I'm a dyed-in-the-wool "give me a big block six or eight over a turbo four any day"... "just-don't-see-how-an-amp that doesn't weigh at LEAST 100 lbs.-gonna -slam-my-face-with-bass" kinda guy, and would like to hear from owner's of this amp as to how you feel it compares to the "big boys" in the deep-bass/bass-control area.

Thanks to any & all.
Kana813.I handle the Spectron because it is the best of he best in class d techonlogy.And as you well know this all subjective.To my ears,and obviously others they have found the Stellavox better to them.Does that mean you would?I cannot answer that until you hear it and decide for yourself.
is stelavox the same circuitry(technologie) than sonosax.there was a dealer in montreal who was selling a 50 watts/channels for 3500.00.what price range the stellavox is.
for sattothestars.i went on the stellavox website and couldnt acces the 500/watts /channel.is it available.

The Stellavox's are not digital amps.



I am not Sattothestars, but I am an owner of the Stellavox PW1's. :)