Spendor D9.2 vs. Harbeth super hl5 plus xd + REL Stentor III vs. Spendor Classic 100?

I am thinking of purchasing one of the following:

1). Harbeth SHL5 plus XD + REL Stentor III Reference Subwoofer due to lack of bass and low octave in bass.

2). Spendor Classic 100 - The bass is a bit noticeable and aggressive. 

3). Spendor D9.2.

My living room where the system will stand is: 5.5 meters x 8 meters, a standard ceiling of 2.7 meters and the entire construction is a 20 cm block. From the living room comes a 25 meters kitchen. The speakers I choose can stand up to about 1 meter from the front wall.

Anyone who has heard of at least 2 of them or a previous generation and can have an opinion on a comparison between them?

Thank you very much for your help.

Hello everyone,

Thanks to everyone for the effort, it is not understood by me.

I’m currently staying with the Spendor Classic 100 maybe the TI.

I understand that stands matter, should you go for the original (terribly expensive)?

Be honest with those who have the Classic 100 (important), can you recommend better speakers up to $13,000-12,000, I would love to hear?

You can get a gently used pair of Harbeth M 40.2 or 40.2 Anniversaries with stands for $9.5 to $11.5K.  There's also a mint pair of Rosewood Harbeth 40.1's listed on US Audio Mart for $7.5K.  I've owned 40.1's twice and currently own 40.2 Anni's.... great speakers!  No subwoofer required and your room size is adequate.  I use Sound Anchor stands, but have also successfully used Skylan.  Many options to choose from... and you don't have to spend a ton... just get the proper size for the speaker you choose.
@alexberger It was discovered that the bright sounds for Spendor comes at the hands of their previous incompetent distributor who would take brand new speakers to shows without breaking in. I speak from experience that the Spendor D series is neither scratchy or bright. They are fast and transparent though, so if there is a single cable that is subpar in your system, it will tell you.
Helio everyone,

Thanks to everyone who answered I really appreciate it.

I would love to hear the opinions of those who have heard or those who have purchased the Spendor Classic 100?

Same as Piega COAX 711?