Many others have also reported sonic improvements when decoupling speakers and the Townshend folks believe springs and air bladders are two of the better decoupling methods, although there are other methods such as using Herbie's products, roller bearings for decoupling in the horizontal plane, etc. I believe the physics are likely complicated based on the many variables involved with specific applications but regardless, quite a few who have tried decoupling believe they hear improvements including folks like Jim Smith, author of Get Better Sound
Many others have also reported sonic improvements when decoupling speakers and the Townshend folks believe springs and air bladders are two of the better decoupling methods, although there are other methods such as using Herbie's products, roller bearings for decoupling in the horizontal plane, etc. I believe the physics are likely complicated based on the many variables involved with specific applications but regardless, quite a few who have tried decoupling believe they hear improvements including folks like Jim Smith, author of Get Better Sound