SQ vs. Music

What percentage of the time do you you listen to your set JUST for the SQ and what percentage do you listen to your set JUST for the music? 
I know the obvious answer is you do both, but can you honestly answer the question?
At this point in time, with all of the tweaking that's been done, I marvel at how real the music sounds. 

At this point in time, with all of the tweaking that’s been done, I marvel at how real the music sounds.
I guess i am on the same boat and anyway sound is not music but music is also sound....

I must confess that for 2 years i look for the sound in my listening experiments but now passed a certain minimal  quality point, i am done mostly with the sound.... I dont even contemplate seiously an upgrade...

The piano i listen to now is a real one with the wished tonal timbre when playing notes.....I am conscious of the sound for sure but i listen now to the music .....

My best to you and to all....
I rarely listen to SQ:  it just creeps up on me sometimes, as in 'Holy crap, that sounds good'.

But on my crappy bedroom system--a cd player w/ a mixer and computer speakers--I will often adjust everything to make it sound as good as it can sound.   I admit, the 'quality of sound' is in this case likely more related to the quality of [I'll just call them ingested sound enhancers] than anything in the system itself.
Since childhood, music has been an overwhelming passion in my life.
Thats why it’s particularly disturbing to me when SQ becomes such a seductive force.
I would like to say that I always listen to the music first.

However that wouldn’t be true.

Just a few weeks ago I found myself beginning to feel a bit sick listening to the Jam compilation Direction Reaction Creation.

Something felt wrong, despite an apparently nice full sound there was a distinct lack of dynamics, particularly bad on the more punchy tracks such as Start! or Going Underground, Funeral Pyre etc.

I later managed to get hold of a copy of Snap! yet another compilation, but far closer to original vinyl, and all was well again.

Digital compression nowadays seems to be a huge problem with heavy rock as fans of bands such as Motorhead or the Dead Kennedys might testify.

Why anyone would want to deliberately mute the dynamics of music (essentially its life), especially of rock, is disturbing.

If the majority of consumers genuinely prefer that mush, then they need to get to an Hi-Fi dealer and see just what they’re missing.

Who knows, maybe when listening on some weak-assed Walmart system, they might feel that kind of compression is adding some much needed body to the sound?

If so, they’re ruining it for many of us who are not using such systems.

Having said all that I usually can forget about sound quality once the actual listening starts - providing the sound is listenable.

Of course I might never quite stop wanting a little more, I’m a long time recovering audiophile.