SQ vs. Music

What percentage of the time do you you listen to your set JUST for the SQ and what percentage do you listen to your set JUST for the music? 
I know the obvious answer is you do both, but can you honestly answer the question?
Good question!

I personally distinguish two separate joys when listening to a recording. I may enjoy  just the sound, sound quality, how different instruments are recorded and reproduced, and of course I mainly enjoy the music I am listening to. If the music I like is well recorded then I enjoy double, in fact the dependence is not linear perhaps even it is exponential. Lately I find myself that often I tend not  to listen to music that I like but which is not well recorded.  At the same time,  for such recordings, I try to choose appropriate equipment or even listen to that recording in my car where the imperfections become less notable. Then you just enjoy the music and "forget" about sound quality. 

I admit that too much dependence on sound quality is not good - a "weakness" that we acquire with good audio gear. At the same time, good audio equipment makes possible to appreciate fully the music you like. 
My first thought was to dismiss the premise behind the question, but on reflection it is a valid query.  I listen primarily to Classical.  There are many classic pre stereo performances in my collection and I do listen to them.  Restoration techniques are excellent—some of these recordings are nearing the century mark and, such as the Rachmaninov/Stokowski Second Piano Concerto that sounds amazingly vivid-yet even when enjoying it I feel a little niggling unease that I am missing something sonically.  Now, most of the Classical repertoire has been recorded so redundantly that one can find many recordings that do not require music and sonic compromise on the part of the listener.  I learned Beethoven’s Ninth from my parents 78s of Toscanini and the NBC SO, but now I have to be in a special mood for that one, even though it has been restored to a much higher degree to what I heard back in the day
I get a weekly Audiogon Discussion email and occasionally look at the topics. I used to be a regular on Audio Asylum years ago. Specifically, vinyl asylum.

There’s good advice to be had on some of these forums but imo reading them too much can result in the audiophile neurosis that people talk about. I think that was happening to me. Listening to my gear and not the music.

One piece of advice I took from a poster was this:
If you want to enjoy your system and music, then stay off the forums!

I’ve pretty much adhered to that advice. I have limited time to ’really’ listen to my music on my main system so I don’t want to waste it by posting and reading on the forums.

As I said, I still check those emails I get to see if there’s a topic that interests me and if I have a question that pertains to my system or a future purchase. Too many knowledgeable folks out there who have plenty of experience to not squeeze them for some of it.

I did get a kick out of the Schumann Generator discussion. 😁
I actually may be interested in one but more so for my sleep issues than my system. But, I would try it there as well. WTH?


"There’s good advice to be had on some of these forums but imo reading them too much can result in the audiophile neurosis that people talk about. I think that was happening to me. Listening to my gear and not the music.One piece of advice I took from a poster was this:If you want to enjoy your system and music, then stay off the forums!"

I'm beginning to suspect you're right.

Maybe carelesslyreading too much about our passion isn't actually a good thing!?

The best thing for me is to get together with friends and just listen to new music with conversation centering around that but not exclusively limited to just that.

For some of us this past year has been an incredibly slow and the social aspect has been much missed. Yet I've also spoken to some people who say they've enjoyed it!

Although audio remains seductive, I have tried to restrict my urge for better sound quality to primarily seeking out the best masterings of favourite albums. This in itself can be a complicated busines due to the whims of the recording industry and what they think will sell.

I also try to pay increasingly less regard to what reviewers may say though I do have a few favourite YouTube channels - audioholics, cheapaudioman, parlogram auctions and stereo review X to name a few.

These guys all seem to tell it like it is and unlike many magazines with their over the top reviews, don't seem to trigger my own personal audiophile neurosis.

Please, not that. Never again!
No matter what anyone says, the lure of sound for sound’s sake is huge in this hobby. It’s almost a definition of it.
However, for most of us, I believe the greatest pleasure in the world is to be happy at how much the music we’re enjoying also has good sound, not the other way around.