stacked equipment isolation?

hello. due to space restrictions i need to stack my dvdp and my int. amp. it is mid-fi at best but i want to hit all the points(power, vibration, acoustics) within my system before beginning the next wave of component upgrades. might anyone have suggestions on what to put in between each component? lets try and keep it between the posts, i.e. vibraplane and dayton cones. i was thinking maybe cardas cuboids. thanks, d.
barry and TWL, EDIT: "decent" isolation for my PARTICULAR situation. i'm sure all your products perform very well. i didn't mean to imply your goods were merely decent. thanks again, d.
Hi D, our company has some smaller devices which might work in your unusual application, such as Audiopoints and Sistrum platforms.

Barry is correct, solid and rigid stands do not provide "isolation".

Our products are designed to manage vibrations, and not "isolate". Our whole company is built on "not isolating".

Barry and I often differ on this issue, and offer different solutions. We both have many reviews and user testimonials over the years. Just different ways of doing things.

Tom Lyons
Starsound Technologies
I once placed some styrofoam squares under my speakers. Really works.
Best of all is you can find this product in most trash bins.
Way to go Jeff--- and no paypal fee. Sorry Jeff you're not the only guy doing this. I bought some platforms and they came packed with thick dense styro. The styro is the same size as the platform; I'm using it, now.
Hi Uncertainsmile,

The least expensive but still quite effective recommendation would be to use our IsoNode feet under the bottom component and between each successive component. The IsoNode feet are one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can make. They are extremely affordable. We manufacture them in two sizes:

The small size (3/4" by 3/8” high) are just $12.50 for a set of four feet! The set of four feet holds a maximum of 30 lbs and includes adhesive backing.

The large size (1 1/2” by 3/4” high) are just $19.99 for a set of four feet! The set of four feet holds a maximum of 42 lbs and includes adhesive backing.

We offer FREE SHIPPING to the United States or Canada for either size.

The IsoNode feet have been voted:

PRODUCT OF THE YEAR by Enjoy The Music

BEST OF CES by Audio/Video Forum

in the TOP FIVE by Mix Magazine

and were included in The Stereo Times’ and PC World’s Holiday Gift Guides.

We currently have a special promotion for Audiogon members: You can try the IsoNode feet in your own system FOR FREE. Please click HERE for details.

We have many of our other products available factory direct HERE

The next level I would recommend would be to use our IsoRock 4 platforms in the same manner. They are $139.00 each. If your component exceeds the maximum load weight for the platform you can easily add extra IsoNode feet as required to hold the weight. If your budget and space allow for it, I would recommend a Little Rock pod placed on the top component.

The best option is, of course, the most expensive and also requires the most vertical space within the rack. This would be one of our Ultimate Isolation Systems which consists of an Air Mass / Big Rock / Little Rock combination. The least expensive Ultimate Isolation System is $399 and the most expensive is our Reference Series at $2100.00. The Little Rock 2 can also be stacked between components.

Bright Star Audio has more products listed in Stereophile’s Recommended Components than any other accessories manufacturer. We have also received dozens of industry awards and nominations for our products from a large number of audio publications around the world including four times for "Accessory of the Year" by Sterophile, "Best of the Year", "Best Buy" and "Editor's Choice" by The Abso!ute Sound, five times "Component of Merit" award from Bound for Sound, three times "Golden Note Award" from The Academy, just to name a few!

Ours are the most comprehensive vibration control products available. They are designed to address ALL of the sources and forms of vibration: Floor-borne, air-borne, and internally generated. Our philosophy is to eliminate vibration BEFORE it contaminates the signal flowing through the component. Our products DO NOT try to manipulate the vibration or resonance after it has been allowed to contaminate the signal. Our products also DO NOT "tune" resonance (a very misguided concept). An audio system IS NOT a musical instrument. To faithfully reproduce the sound of the instrument as it has been captured in the recording, the playback system must be as free of unwanted extra contributions and artifacts as possible.

Please see our WEBSITE for full information.

Best Regards,


Barry Kohan
Bright Star Audio