static Issues...anybody know why?

When I use my Lyra Delos, no static at all.  When I use my Ortofon Quintet Mono, I have to pry the record off of the platter.  Why?
another easy way to dissipate an electric charge is using a carbon brush that has a grounding cable on it. Oracle (the record player co)made a model years ago not sure if there are others out there, but my oracle brush works wonders to remove static before playing. 

 Audioquest has a new brush that's supposed to address this issue of a ground path. 
Post removed 
Lewm, I think you miss read that. Yes they do mention moving records in and out of sleeves could cause static but it does not. You are only transferring static to the sleeve from a charged record. The amount of rubbing/friction is no where near enough. Again I encourage you to read why friction and heat cause static charges on non conductive objects. It will mean more if you get it from someone other than me. Oh and the Shure brush was attached to the plastic housing of the stylus body. It was not grounded and made things worse not to mention what it did to the skating force. I threw mine away. 
Thanx for the support sleepwalker65. I still have some hair left. 
On the bright side static is not even remotely my problem. My records have none. You can lead a horse to water.....
Skating force has nothing to do with friction. It has to do with counter-action the centripetal force, not the force of friction.