Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Walgreen's is now selling the "Living Solutions" steam cleaner, model #516414, for $29.98. It looks exactly like the late lamented "Perfection" steamer except that it's green instead of red. There is no lead warning on the box, so it looks like it avoids that hazard. Has anyone tried it yet?

I have been fascinated by the many posts discussing steam cleaning, but I haven't tried it yet. In fact, I've never even cleaned a record! I've used an old Discwasher brush and fluid, but, from what I've been reading, I don't think that really counts. Obviously, I don't own a RCM. I'm trying to figure out which steamer will be best for a rank beginner and building up my nerve to give it a try.

I would much appreciate knowing whether anyone has had any experience with the Living Solutions steamer.
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A tag line on the box claims that the unit only needs tap water. Don't be caught by the biz-men, use anything but tap water. For reasons related to H20, read selected parts of the thread. All the best.
Still not afraid of the lead in the Perfection's power cord. If you hang those little Christmas lights you've got the same thing. Just don't chew on the cord and wash your hands after using(which I would hope anyone would do after handling dirty records anyway). The points almost moot now since the Perfection's discontinued anyhow.
More concerning is what happened yesterday after steaming eight LPs. The Perfection steamer was just sitting on the counter and suddenly the seal on the cap seemed to just give way and steam vented all the way to the ceiling. Is this a failure of my unit or was the steamer just relieving excess pressure? This has never happened before and now I'm just wondering if this particular unit is still safe to use.