Step up from NAD PP2

Ok, so in the 500 or less category..
Moon LP phono?
Rega Fono?

To pair w/ Funk Vector, Rega RB300, Benz Micro MC and NAD 320 BEE thru B&W 602 S2's...
Hi Britishmuzik

In addition to your findings I just found that the NAD PP2 with the equipment made the music lifeless and sterile. I think the biggest issue I had was with the treble. Everything seemed to really be bright sounding. When I got the 640P I was A LOT happier with how the music sounded. Everything was just more alive but never punishing. I'm sorry I don't have the grasp of the audiophile vocabulary like many other members here but this is what I really felt when I heard the music coming from my system with these phono preamps in place.
I second the Moon LP3 or LP110 recommendation. I remember liking the Cambridge too, but the Moon really impressed me at its price point.
There's a Creek OBH-8 for sale and I'd give that a try. I own the OBH-8SE which has the larger power supply and it is very enjoyable to listen to. (Presently using older Project TT w/stock Oyster Cart.) I had the Sumiko Phono Box (Original version) prior and the Creek was a HUGE step up. Your NAD and my former Project pre-amp were probably in the same class. Good Luck!
I Musical Surroundings Phonomena and it sounded great. I sold the Phonomena recently when I upgraded but there are others. You can get one used for $300 or less.
Probably the one to get is the Ray Samuels F117 Nighthawk. It's tiny but can accommodate any cartridge with front panel gain and loading knobs. It sounds as good or better than many $2000 phono stages. It is surely a few steps up from the PP2 (which I owned and didn't like). It is also a step or two up from the basic MS Phonomena and Phonomena II units. It's a closer call to the Nova Phonomena but I believe the Nighhawk edges that unit as well and the battery lasts 48 hours without recharging instead of 3 hours for the Nova P.