Step up from NAD PP2

Ok, so in the 500 or less category..
Moon LP phono?
Rega Fono?

To pair w/ Funk Vector, Rega RB300, Benz Micro MC and NAD 320 BEE thru B&W 602 S2's...
hey thanks Jedinite...
May I ask you-tonally, what were the differences between NAD & Cambridge? I find the NAD a little small sounding...reserved..
Hi Britishmuzik

In addition to your findings I just found that the NAD PP2 with the equipment made the music lifeless and sterile. I think the biggest issue I had was with the treble. Everything seemed to really be bright sounding. When I got the 640P I was A LOT happier with how the music sounded. Everything was just more alive but never punishing. I'm sorry I don't have the grasp of the audiophile vocabulary like many other members here but this is what I really felt when I heard the music coming from my system with these phono preamps in place.
I second the Moon LP3 or LP110 recommendation. I remember liking the Cambridge too, but the Moon really impressed me at its price point.
There's a Creek OBH-8 for sale and I'd give that a try. I own the OBH-8SE which has the larger power supply and it is very enjoyable to listen to. (Presently using older Project TT w/stock Oyster Cart.) I had the Sumiko Phono Box (Original version) prior and the Creek was a HUGE step up. Your NAD and my former Project pre-amp were probably in the same class. Good Luck!
I Musical Surroundings Phonomena and it sounded great. I sold the Phonomena recently when I upgraded but there are others. You can get one used for $300 or less.