Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


Didn't Stereo Times use to be a serious hi-fi magazine?


When was that?


The name I was thinking of was Stereo Review, but the serious magazine I had in mind was Audio Magazine. Sorry for the mixup!


An example of the opposite is Jason Kennedy, editor or The Ear. His grammatical errors are so widespread and egregious that I simply cannot read anything by him any longer.

Sure as $h!t the guy who posts about how he can’t stand grammatical errors makes a mistake.

There’s a difference between making a mistake in a post on a forum and committing a bunch of grammatical errors and misspellings in a professional, published review or article.