Streamer always on?

I just obtained a new streamer (Arcam.) 
Should  the power always be left on, or turned off when not using?
I’ve never understood the recommendation about leaving things on all the time.  It seems that cooling things off would be a good thing.  I understand it more for tubed gear, because the tubed amps that I have had did take a while to warm up, but then Tube life would be adversely affected, but I also had Tube bias issues with a preamp and it seemed subjectively to me that leaving it on while not playing increased the chances of Tube drift.  When I had an anolog rig I had phono Pre amps that were plagued with hum and ground loops and they absolutely would get louder the longer things were turned on.  Anyway, I now power everything off except my Bluesound Vault2 and two Node2 units.  With Bluesound the units have to be powered up and down as a group or else they won’t play nicely together 
I leave my modified Oppo Sonica on all the time, except I unplug it when doing more critical listening to CD or LP...
I have a 15 year old Velodyne sub and it's never been off, except for power outages.  
I tried touching the play/pause on the older Node2 for five seconds. Works on this model too.
I thought it might mr_m. The reason I put mine in vacation mode is there might be a couple of days go by when I don't use it , I still spin CD's and sometimes  I would have to power cycle it anyway to reset the ip address.