

I’d like to purchase a streamer without a DAC. My DAC is optimized for USB so that would be my preferred connection. Qubuz will be my main source though I use Amazon also (this isn’t essential). For the last 10 years or so I used a Mac Mini with  Amarra. The Mac is no longer upgradable. I’ve been streaming directly to my Classe Delta preamp via airplay, but I’d like to use a dedicated streamer now. The computer and preamp are hardwired via Ethernet cable. 

I assume most streamers offer similar sound but I’d like a best-in-class easy to use interface. Let’s say budget is up to $5000. Can folks give recommendations please?

p.s. I’ve seen some older threads with similar requests, but was hoping to hear current offerings.


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I would not get a streamer with a ripper. First, once you get a very high quality streamer there should be no difference between ripped files and streaming and so the value disappears. You want all the cost to be in making the streamer sound good… not additional unnecessary functions. Also, you can alway use a laptop or PC to rip files.

Varying opinions on a CD ripper feature. If you don't need one, don't get a streamer with the drive to rip cds.  But, if you want to rip cds, the feature in my Innuos is as easy as it gets. You pop in a CD and in less than 5 minutes, the cd pops out and the album shows up in my library.  

With the Innuos, I use a tablet to run the Sense app which is more convenient than a laptop, imo.  Before I got the Innuos, I tried ripping cds with my laptop. Not nearly as simple. 

Thanks to everyone for the input. The Innuos Zenith MK3 really rises to the top. 

For those who think a ripper is unnecessary I think that means I would either need a NAS or built in storage in the streamer. Could I not just continue to access my current ripped CDs in my Mac Mini via the Streamer (essentially making the Mac Mini the NAS)? If yes, would the Pulse series be a better option than the Zen series? I kind of like the idea of the simplicity of an all-in-one device but I agree that ripping CDs is rare. 

As for USB cables, would a Belkin cable be fine?