Streamer Value Question Innous vs Bluesound

I am ready to try streaming again after my 1st failed effort.
I had owned the basic Roon streamer. 

I plan to use the Roon with Tidal service but not
the Roon hardware this time around.

I am now comparing the Innuos Zen Mini @ $1,250 v.s. the
Bluesound Vault 2i @ $1,295. 

The better Innuos is about $4,400.
If you add the reclocker and linear power supply to
 the Mini you are also getting closer to $4k.

Now here is my thought: Buy the Vault and plan to find
a DAC upgrade- currently I have an Oppo 205.
This will bring me the better SQ result overall I think.

What have others found?

Seems like with your options these will hold your files.
Personally I’d have the files on a NAS with suitable backup.
This separates the storage from the streamer then you can change the streamer without having any impact on the file storage.
I have a Synology 2 drive NAS with a LUMIN D2 streamer and I’m very happy with it.
You can use this independently or add a NUC/PC for Roon if you want it.
Or just get a NUC and also store your files on it.

At the end of my year subscription I’ll be dropping Roon and just using the LUMIN to stream. 

The DAC in any of these (including the OPPO) is adequate, but not really good. You should pick a streamer/server then get a better DAC later, maybe a re-clocker too
Does the OP intend to stream Tidal only?  Or convert CDs as well?
if stream only then you don’t need the Vault2, the Node2 wii handle all.  If need storage I would also favor keeping the files on a separate location.  I did transfer about 0.75tb from a Vault to a NAS but it wasn’t easy.
if the OP intends to continue to play CDs I would put the money first in a good DAC and add the other stuff later.
I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record on this issue, but in my experience, the streamer/server is at least as important as the DAC and likely more so. I enjoyed a greater improvement in sound quality by improving the streamer than I did from the DAC.  

The Bluesound Node 2i is a terrific value - a killer unit from a utility standpoint (I have one in a system).  But, if sound quality is the goal, I wouldn’t be building around the Vault or the Node because even if you upgrade the DAC significantly, the end result will still be limited.  My $.02. Of course, YMMV.