What conclusion can one reach? A group of audiophiles in a sighted test with a specific system in a specific room unanimously preferred a specific CD source to a specific Tidal source? That tells me very little, other than they probably were influencing one another (or it wouldn't be unanimous).
One obvious question is, were both sources using the same input to the DAC? It's been reported often that DACs perform differently from different inputs (and that varies by DAC).
And if "top tier Tidal" include MQA, all bets are off.
I have no problem believing that this group preferred one source over another. What I cannot take from the anecdote is any generalizable conclusion.
One obvious question is, were both sources using the same input to the DAC? It's been reported often that DACs perform differently from different inputs (and that varies by DAC).
And if "top tier Tidal" include MQA, all bets are off.
I have no problem believing that this group preferred one source over another. What I cannot take from the anecdote is any generalizable conclusion.