Streaming vs CD transport direct comparison

Yesterday we had a day at a friends comparing the title to this thread.
System consisted of:
  • Speakers — Wilson Alexia series 2
  • Amplifier — Gryphon Audio Antileon EVO
  • Preamplifier — Supratek Cortese or Lightspeed Attenuator LDR passive or source direct (we used the Supratek for instant a/b ability)
  • Sources — Digital: 432Evo Music Server Roon Core (owner has found Roon to be the best)
  • Yamaha CD-S2100 as transport,
  • Totaldac d1-core DAC.

We A/B both (levels matched) CD to 432Evo (streamed, saved and/or to H/D) with a number of albums same versions, classical, jazz, soft rock, hard rock.
The overwhelming consensus of all 5 listeners (some that "were" originally very pro streaming) was that the CD was firstly clearly more dynamic, had better separation and was blacker background between notes and it was also clearer through the vocals that were hard to hear what was being said, than what came out of the 432Evo.
This is the third time I’ve sat in on this kind of A/B on different systems all were similar on how the differences came out.
I can say the streamer would be a slightly better late night low volume level system to play, as it’s dynamics wouldn’t wake other people in the same building. Where the CD you’d be running for the volume every time there was a big dynamic passage.

Cheers George
The streaming crowd do not like to hear the conclusion of the OP and his friends...

Sure its subjective and not a rigorous clinical study but it's a cautionary tale the convenience of streaming MAY have some sonic disadvantages that might need to be overcome or lessened....
You got that right, the two that were there, ended up not very elated at the end, probably because both had sold the 1k+ CD collection they spent decades getting.

Cheers George 
What conclusion can one reach? A group of audiophiles in a sighted test with a specific system in a specific room unanimously preferred a specific CD source to a specific Tidal source? That tells me very little, other than they probably were influencing one another (or it wouldn't be unanimous).

One obvious question is, were both sources using the same input to the DAC? It's been reported often that DACs perform differently from different inputs (and that varies by DAC).

And if "top tier Tidal" include MQA, all bets are off.
I have no problem believing that this group preferred one source over another. What I cannot take from the anecdote is any generalizable conclusion.

Having 5 streamers has me commited to their convenience. Even so I bought my first and only high end CD transport this year.
However if not A B ing the difference is not really noticeable, especially with the best streamer/power/cable combos.
It only depends upon how serious your listening session is.
Even so I bought my first and only high end CD transport this year.
However if not A B ing the difference is not really noticeable
Yes I would go along with that day to day not A/B'ed, but I think the listening sessions with the streamer would be shorter as the wow! factor would be less.

That tells me very little, other than they probably were influencing one another (or it wouldn't be unanimous).
Before we started it wasn't going to be an A/B between the 2 formats, just get together for a listening session between buddies.
But the 2 "pro streamers" were adamant when the subject was mentioned that streaming was better if not at least equal, to CD. We only up till then were listening to the streamer up till lunch. That's what led to the A/B'ing of the two after lunch, and when they then even quietly conceded and agreed on the difference.
Mind you I'm sure in their minds there were probably excuses to why, but they didn't or couldn't bring them up.
BTW And no there wasn't any MQA played

Cheers George  
Well, there is NOT a single system on audigon or for that matter I bet anywhere on planet earth that would match any other person's system. So what the OP heard and experienced in his friend's system is valid and true. Now how would the same music source (that exact CD and the exact streaming service) sound on a different system, is out of OP or anyone's hand.In my system, based on the comparison I did, I liked the quality of streaming slightly better than the CD. But again, it is not a dedicated player. It is a universal player. But the DAC remains the same for the CD and the streaming (FLAC/DSF files). So opinions will be different based on our own experiences. Nothing to fret about or claim dominance of one over the other.