Anvil, any added friction is going to slow any table down a bit unless it has a compensatory mechanism. Most tables create an equilibrium situation which in table like the big Kuzma is probably strong enough to overcome stylus drag. In some tables like the older SOTAs you can adjust the equilibrium with the stylus down but the table itself is not compensating. This is not the case with the new ones. The Monaco is fascinating because it's resolution is so high but it is direct drive and unlike mikelavigna I do not like big magnetic things under my cartridge.
mike, there is such a thing as "carrying it to far." Why don you just stick your turntable in an isolation camber so airborne vibration doesn't get to it? I bet if you sit on one of those tables your hearing will improve:)
Ralph, What are you doing with a lathe? Atma-Sphere going to start making records?
mike, there is such a thing as "carrying it to far." Why don you just stick your turntable in an isolation camber so airborne vibration doesn't get to it? I bet if you sit on one of those tables your hearing will improve:)
Ralph, What are you doing with a lathe? Atma-Sphere going to start making records?