Subs on stands

Wondering if y'all have any experience with subs on stands.  Is there a improvement in sound.
Depends. Generally you want minimum contact with the floor, and also minimum rocking potential, so anything you can do to minimize the contact footprint, and extend the footprint or lower the center of gravity and increase mass is good.

Any speaker driver will suffer from reflections from the floor boundary too, so keeping a sub close to the floor and walls can help minimize this particular effect.

I’ve had good luck with IsoTunes in general.

If you put your room dimensions into one of the room mode calculators on the ’net, you can see where in the room it’s modes and anti-modes are located (always but not exclusively at the wall/ceiling/floor intersections. Other locations are in the middle of a room’s length, width, and height, as well at 1/3 and 2/3 intervals). If possible, do NOT position your subs (or speakers) at those locations.

A few years ago, I read one acoustics authority (yes, I believe in appeal to authority) state that considerations of a sub’s location in a room can and should include not only it’s position in relation to the room’s length and width, but also it’s height. And that raising a sub off the floor should be seriously considered. Wish I could recall who that authority was.

Acoustic Sciences Corporation (better known as ASC) offers a Bass Trap/Sub Stand, which some might view as an oxymoron. ;-)

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Putting subs on stands is a very bad idea for several reasons. 
1. Subs are most efficient when they are right in the corner and next most efficient right up against a wall. You want the driver as close to the plane of the wall as you can get it. Down firing woofers are great for this reason.
2. Most subs are anything but heavy enough. If you put your hand on the enclosure and feel it vibrating you have a problem. That vibration is distortion. Putting the sub up on a stand will just make the whole mess vibrate more probably most at a certain resonance frequency depending on the stiffness of the stand. 

The best way to deal with subs is to mount three spikes on the bottom which will give it the firmest connection with the floor. I also tell people to get a piece of granite and silicone it to the top of the woofer. The added mass will decrease enclosure resonance. Your local granite supplier will have all kinds of cut offs for cheap and will even cut it to size for you.

One other thing. When you put subwoofers into corners you eliminate the strongest primary reflections. The first one will be off the ceiling and the second off the rear wall. The effect on the bass will depend entirely on room dimensions. No amount of bass trapping or hocus pocus will change that. The best you can do is use room control to smooth things out at the listening position or get a bull dozer. With the subs in corners you at least minimize the problem.