subwoofer cable recommendations.

About five months ago i purchased a Hammer Lite subwoofer directly from GMA, and since have tried several cables including Monster cable, Cardas Quadlink, and Audio Magic Excalibur ll without success, either too lean or to booming of a sound, I have read about a couple cables that might be right for my system, one is synergistic research the other Audioquest SUB 3, if you can think of others i would appreciate it .
I have used Audioquest Sub-X with great success. It is fairly inexpensive and it made my subwoofer sound right, not lean or boomy. I addition, it silenced an awful hum that was being produced in my subwoofer from the analogue cable connection it replaced.
I am using the new Tek Line microRefernece ($349) on my SVS powered sub. Great bass!
I am using Signal Cable for my REL. They made up a Speakon cable which is much better than the stock cable and was cheaper. This is a high level cable but their line level cables look good also.
A sub cable should offer "some" refinement of the sound. If you are getting "too lean" or "too boomy" you have sub placement issues, not a cable issues (assuming that you are using at least a decent cable).
Watch the auctions for the Black Mountain Pinnacle Gold.These offer great performance in the bass,but are sub-par in the hi-frequencies.
How long a cable do you need?