Rooze, it is a complex issue. Properly set up subs should improve sound stage and clarity. Speakers that benefit most from subs have woofers that run up higher above 500 Hz. Full range speakers like ESLs benefit most.
Ideally the sound from the sub should reach the listening position at exactly the same time and at exactly the same phase angle as the woofers in the satellite speakers. Subs work best against a wall and better right in corners. This is usually not going to be time or phase correct. Some woofers like the JL Audio have adjustable phase angle which helps but this does not correct the time issue. In most cases you would have to delay the satellite approximately 0.3 milliseconds each millisecond being equivalent to about 1 foot. This can only be done digitally. So in order to put subs in the places they work best and integrate them to the satellites you have to have digital bass management. If all your sources are digital this is not difficult. A dBx DriveRack will do the job. Digital room control processors like TACT, Anthem and Trinnov units will do the job for you. If you are into analog only and unwilling to digitize your turntable it is probably best to avoid the subwoofer altogether. Doing a swarm system would be the best way to go with an analog system.
Ideally the sound from the sub should reach the listening position at exactly the same time and at exactly the same phase angle as the woofers in the satellite speakers. Subs work best against a wall and better right in corners. This is usually not going to be time or phase correct. Some woofers like the JL Audio have adjustable phase angle which helps but this does not correct the time issue. In most cases you would have to delay the satellite approximately 0.3 milliseconds each millisecond being equivalent to about 1 foot. This can only be done digitally. So in order to put subs in the places they work best and integrate them to the satellites you have to have digital bass management. If all your sources are digital this is not difficult. A dBx DriveRack will do the job. Digital room control processors like TACT, Anthem and Trinnov units will do the job for you. If you are into analog only and unwilling to digitize your turntable it is probably best to avoid the subwoofer altogether. Doing a swarm system would be the best way to go with an analog system.