@yogiboy The Atlas Magnum ... the retail price is $2395. The listing is for $1895, i.e. the price is less than <25% of the original price. When buying used, I try to find deals around 40% off of the retail price. Yeah, I'm cheap like that , lol! Otherwise, it sounds like a really nice piece of equipment. Thanks for the suggestion.
@ryder Your analysis is spot on. I really like the Naim sound, but you're absolutely right that their lower end equipment is under powered. The Unitiqute, when brand new, was listed for $2400. Given the quality issues with the display (more widespread than you would think), and the lack of sufficient power, especially in comparison to competitors, I'm just surprised that people still buy their lower to mid end gear at those prices. TBH, I'm kinda bummed out after the quality issues. Appreciate your suggestions.
I'm seriously considering purchasing a used tube integrated. Given that I have zero experience with tube gear, I'll do my due diligence and do some research before jumping in the pool.
@ryder Your analysis is spot on. I really like the Naim sound, but you're absolutely right that their lower end equipment is under powered. The Unitiqute, when brand new, was listed for $2400. Given the quality issues with the display (more widespread than you would think), and the lack of sufficient power, especially in comparison to competitors, I'm just surprised that people still buy their lower to mid end gear at those prices. TBH, I'm kinda bummed out after the quality issues. Appreciate your suggestions.
I'm seriously considering purchasing a used tube integrated. Given that I have zero experience with tube gear, I'll do my due diligence and do some research before jumping in the pool.