Old school themes in a new age of "me dfirst" & "Me... Me... Me" operetas forces change... somewhere . By someone.
20 years ago any of the local high end shops offered all the amenities. Sadly, that has since changed.
10 years ago, despite the then present attitude of indefference and arrogance my local dealers were tryijng on for size at the time, one could still talk to them intelligently.... now and then.
Since the turn of the century, my local B&M outlets have become entrenched in that austere "We got the cure for cancer here so ante up", theme for committing to high end retail... by and large. Half do, and the other half are at the very least yet approachable.
NONE of these outlets have employees over 40 save the owners. Some have no working knowledge of anything other than SS equipment by the largest of majorities. Only one just outside my area has any working knowledge of analog, and tube gear. Naturally he can not carry every lineup, nor the entireity of any of the lines he inventories. His people skills however are far superior to these other yahoos.
Is it any wonder that those in similar situations have not fallen prey to mid fi large box outlets, and been scooted away from their local audio authorities by their poor experiences at these establishments?
Weve spoken of price & value here, and Ive alluded to simple change being the prime mover but isnt this debate one more of RIGHT or WRONG, than these 3 other FACTORS? In truth, isnt competition always good? Good for the consumer, and the seller?
Competition provides us all utilities to suppluy both desires and staples. To be a cut above the rest (which should be a fundamental aspiration for any business ethic) presumes every effort should point towards that end being top notch. The best.
Every sale has elements which must be attended too Qualifying the customer . Justifying the cost of the item . And providing them a REASON to buy it or from you more particularly.
B&M stores either will acknowledge the value of establishing good customer relations and the viability of web based resources these buyers can and do possess, or theyll die out. Likely sooner than later.
So then, is the case of supporting local dealerships a more complex dynamic than a simple one for so very many?
Or is it merely the right or wrong thing for us to be so myopic with our purchases when other avenues exist and yet continue to reinforce local over outside enterprises?
Like it or not thats simple competition. But now, your competitors arent just down the street or close by.
I submit still more change is inevitable in both instances. I dont think its a matter of being pennywise & pound foolish either. Audio nuts are usually informed and intelligent sorts. If not straight away, they become so very soon and we are all people. People as it happens require a bit more attention generally speaking.
We all appreciate being appreciated.
Store owners must develop or attain more arrows for their quiver. Exclusivity comes to mind, yet has its own shortcomings. Then theres people skills. Availability. Service. Lets not forgoe convenience either. Flexibility with pricing must now take a step up too.
Either you are in the race, or you are buying tickets ffor it . Or ya just stay home and watch it on TV. None of those scenarios is either more right or more wrong and they do translate to this topic.
One of the above 3 things, being in, going to, or staying home, occurs based upon whether or not a good enough REASON for them is being presented at the time a decision needs to be made.
For some it will always be price. For others, value is key. Brand loyalty for another. Ego counts for something here too. But all require a reason sufficient for them to pony up their ducks either at this place or that on the whiz bang Yada Yada you sell or another gleaming zippity sap creation elsewhere.
Ive been asking myself this one question when it comes to buying just about anything costing over a few hundred dollars . Why should I buy this from you when I go to spend money.
Be it a conscious thought, or a subconscious one, I believe we all do that on some level.
and so, weve passed onto REASONS to buy, from price, value, and the loyalistic morals and ethics of things . Or so its how I feel about it all anyhow.
So like the lady sang give me some kind of reason, and Ill turn right back around.