Surge protection for amps?

I keep reading that we should plug our amps directly into the socket and skip conditioners. What about surge protection? Living here in FL has me nervous plugging my Halo amp and new KEF LS50 Wireless speakers directly into the wall. What's everyone doing for protection that doesn't effect sound negatively?
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Funny, SurgeX and Brick Wall are both series mode conditioners. :) Good stuff. Very serious lightning protection.

I used to own Parasound amps too. My entire system sounded better when using a Furman with LiFT and SMP (their name for the same series tech). Highly recommended.
Thanks for the replies everyone,

Erik, funny you say that, I have a Furman 15i and was avoiding plugging my amp into it. I plug my other stuff into it (tv, AVR, Nvidia Shield, PS4). It doesn’t have SMP AFAIK though.

Edit: It looks like it does have SMP. Should I go ahead using it for my amp too? I'll need to get something else for the KEFs in another room.