SUT experience

I finally went the SUT route for my TD124/SPU combo

II wish I would have done it sooner.  I was using the phono input on my McIntosh C47 preamp for the last 3 years and was satisfied.  Yesterday I added a a Japanese Entre T100 to my system and was very surprised.  Many of you will already know but I’m new to the SUT game and it was a game changer.  


Showing 11 responses by pindac

Because an individual has a preference for a particular and perceivable tone, as a blend for a sound being produced, is certainly not a limitation of ones capability to hear. .    

The Sound interaction had is quite controlled by the brains Amygdala.

As many reactions are also based on environmental interactions, where sound, sight and smell are influencers, the individual reacting to the stimulus triggered by the sensory perception and chemical reactions sent from the Amygdala through the Limbic is what mould a personal preference.

When you feel shivers go down your spine, the amygdala is activated.”

Don't let anybody attempt to convince another, that what is the trigger for their stimulus when it comes to sound produced via electronic audio equipment is the correct medicine for another, hence most time served audio enthusiasts do not share systems that are identical. 

Some use SUT's others Head Amps and others Viv Tonearms or SME 3012's.    

 “When your Cheshire Cat grin becomes fixed, the Amygdala is activated and the Limbic System is functioning healthily.”

It is this healthy function and the release of chemicals causing such a positivity of emotion, that enables the experience had, to be referred to as a form of entertainment.

Obviously there is not a Electronics equation that caters for all as a ubiquitous formula to feel entertained to ones own special preference. 

There is no real sound benefit from a SUT, a Phonostage is very very capable of presenting a recording in a away that is satisfying for numerous listeners.

A SUT 'will' add a Richness in Tone to a replay when used as a comparison to a typical MC Stage.

SUT's are generic in their voicing, the Rich Tone being perceived can be scaled from a Hint of Richness ( a tight fast decaying Bass Note is maintained, maybe a little underpinned with weight) through to a Very Noticeable ( very loose Bass Notes with a extended presence, possibly, depending on the individual listener, this Bass Type treks toward the point of being overbearing).

A Head Amp of the designs I have heard in comparison to a SUT, can be described as being leaner in the voicing than the leanest SUT types. A Head Amp can be more in liking to a MC Stage.

To date, as a personal experience, I have not discovered a Phonostage that has been encouraging enough, to not use the options for voicing a Cart's produced sound via a SUT or Head Amp.      

@adrianleewelch It is good to see the positive impression made from your making the experience of a SUT a realised encounter. I constantly share in these forums talking/reading is weak as a means to assess, direct experience "sitting in front off a item of interest", and witnessing it in use is the real foundation to satisfying decision making.

I'm not using the same Cart' as yours, but do use the same Brand, with same model Cart's, in use as rebuilt as a redesign and as the original design.

I have not experienced a Cart' in my system that did not become more attractive to my listening preferences without a SUT or Head Amp in use.

'More Attractive' is a personal mind set, my owned Phon's are more than capable of producing sound that is very very pleasing.   

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

If one thinks the 'Math' alone is the means to discover a device that is able to assist with producing a form of 'entertainment'. The likelihood is, the use of the Math only is dictating there is a lot of entertainment going to be overlooked, off which some discoveries not had, may be the ones that prove to excel over all others had. 


@adrianleewelch You have now worn your desire for a Rich Tone to be produced very clear. 

A SUT in use will reinforce this, experiencing different SUT's will aid one in finding the influence of a SUT that is most attractive to a personal preference. 

A SUT I would not normally recommend due it having a notable Rich Tone, is a Audio Innovations 800 or 1000 model. For your own purposes this model might be Rich in Tone Nirvana. 

Correction Required

My statement should have been,  " SUT's are not generic in their voicing, "


Distortion will be Detraction.

The conundrum is the broadness’ of individuals expressing sensitivities/bias to the impression made from the detected presence of the colouration that can generate.

The are many many electronic devices that are measured to have no seen distortion in the shape of the signal or the shape of the sound curve. The Waveform is as expected for Audio Equipment purposes.

With such equipment in use, there will be listeners who’s sensitivities/bias that is detecting a detractor. Individuals who are living a proportion of their lives being entertained through the use of audio equipment, generally keep close to them equipment that is in their assessment not classed as having noticeable detractors.

In relation to the frequencies that trigger the bias, it is each to their own on this matter.

I know through the explanation of the OP, I would find great contentment listening to my Chicago Blues Artists through their set up, as I deliberately add colour to my own system for these periods set aside for listening to this genre.

Alternatively it is this colour added, that is the one that has the Amygdala produce the chemical reactions that seem most rewarding, especially when present in conjunction with recollected experiences.

Math is everything, it explains much, but for most, is a subject not interrogated to be understood, it is entity that is present and trusted.

The Math in Electronics/Physics is only one element to the equation, there is also the Math belonging to the Chemistry in the Human that has equal importance.

Multi Trillions of Chemical Reactions occur within a Human Body daily, of which how many trillions relate to being in a particular environment and having a reaction to it will be a unknown.

It will be a very weak case to suggest there is a single math formula, especially relating to Electronics Math Equation, that is the correct approach to be produce individuals that are equally stimulated by the end product.

It is the variety of Electronic/Physical Math that is to be encountered and is also required to influence harmoniously with the uniqueness of the Biomathematics taking place in each individual.

Forums do have a element of discussion, where an individual shares with a context, that is suggesting their way is without doubt the better path chosen.

This narrow field of view seemingly completely overlooks the uniqueness of each individual and how they relate to sound on a particular environment, especially sound produced in a unique space as a result of using an audio system. 


Common Sense is very very egocentric and formed from environmental influences.

Why would a individual having never met traffic in any volume, have the common sense of an urban dwelling individual and use the left and right / right and Left road check rule. 

How many in an urban environment have relied on the senses and been clipped or nearly clipped by a electric vehicle, to quickly learn the right and left road check is invaluable.

There are only a few references to common sense that are collective in use as the  above, which are usually in place as a result of being assimilated into the collective mind set.

Mostly what one deems to be common sense is easily challenged for its being disagreeable, as some form of induction, familiarisation or training is required to create collective thought or common sense.

Much of my time can be spent carrying out inductions, familiarisation and training to generate a common sense.

The astounding thing in it all, is how many alternatives ideas are in the minds of others to achieve the common goal. 

I have a indelible memory of watching on TV, a UK reporter attempting to get through a Border Crossing in the Middle East, whilst giving the narrative, the camera panned away from the reporter and followed a Pick Up Truck having passed through the Border Crossing. The captured footage was off the Load on the trucks rear bed, which was two fully grown Camels on a 6' x 5' truck bed, with no guardrails or the like in use, just the head halters tied to the bed. To the transporter a very good idea, surely common sense, Truck + Camel = Camel Transportation. Ro the average viewer witnessing this, there were numerous known options, that would be considered to be much improved.  

In relation to HiFi and musical encounters of replayed recordings of music, there is no common goal, apart from the intention for selecting audio equipment to use for producing sound from a source containing recorded data. Where one chooses to get on or off the bus, is very very individual and certainly not common. 

The link is a modern interpretation of 'Common Sense', created by individuals much more trained than myself to do the presentation.





make their findings kn



Not too many weeks past I was treated to a afternoon of being demo'd a system being driven by a few different Amp's (SS and Valve, along with a few CD Sources and DAC's (SS and Valve.

The event was based around helping the system owner learn if their Klipsch Jubilees were able to find better synergy from new devices in use.

When the exchanged CD > Valve DAC was added, along with a new design Korg B1 > 300b Valve Power Amp, the Jubilees become much much larger than the listening space, never have I heard such voluminous sound from a speaker outside of a Concert Venue.

There is something very attractive about the being there moment, but an honest evaluation will remind one that the experience has been with shortcomings, where was the visceral bass notes reminding one of their Celiac Plexus being in the body, and I was able to speak straight after, where usually the voice is lost for a few days.  .

As I have stated in the past, sound being produced from a acoustic instrument 'is not' directional, it is a omnidirectional sound. The listener present, experiencing the  the sound, will hear differing variants of the sound being produced as a result of reflections within the room changing the sound at the point it is heard. Not all in the audience will experience the same sounds.  

How can being in a venue with acoustic music being produced become a faithful reproduction when a recording of the event, or something very similar as a production is heard as a directional sound presented through a speaker.


The EE, who I first met to assist myself with some of my intentions for a HiFi system, and where a friendship formed, has now passed to approx' 30 years since the the inception.

Throughout this period there had been numerous opportunities to discuss sound production as a result of using electronic devices.

If a Pie Chart were to be produced to show Sound that is produced through electronic equipment, audio equipment would be a very thin slice, as the controlling measures for producing audio equipment are confining devices to conform to a particular limitation.

Other sound produced by electronic devices being used are limitless, and only constrained by the absence of a technology.

Vocalists, Musicians and Sound Engineers have been and remain on a eternal quest to create a sound that captures a individual, in the earliest of days it would be a use of Chords and Notes to the point they were unfamiliar. Today there are plug in devices and consuls filled with controls to change the basic notes.

Those who produce music pride themselves on their creativity and collaborations with others expressing creativity.

It seems a very good reason to be very welcoming towards the exploration undertaken by individuals who become known to the public and are able to supply the material to be recorded, which subsequently becomes the recorded medium that the audio enthusiast is so dependent on.

It also seems a shame that certain audio enthusiasts who make themselves known in a public domain, at times can't embrace the creativity being shared by another enthusiast.

It does seem there is an antithesis as the controlling element, where expressing a interest in a person is not part of the plan. Being insular and avoiding a collaborative engagement with another is the objective.

What is seemingly a protective stance, really does in my thoughts, lean toward the notion that such an individual believes their design for what they are achieving is absolute. This attitude may also be an indicator that if one is encouraging to another in their pursuit of being creative, it is a threat to ones own rigidity on their thought, that their way chosen, is the only way to get the best from a audio set up ?? 


@adrianleewelch Of one hour is allocated, that should be just enough to read one of my posts 😂