sweetest sounding ss integrated

Despite my efforts to talk him out of it, a friend of mine is downsizing and simplifying, getting out of tubed separates, and is looking for a ss, or possibly hybrid, integrated that leans towards the euphonic.

Price range: $1500 to $3500 new or used.

Other components: Cambridge 840C, B&W 703s.

Musical preferences: classical, particularly large scale.

I would also throw in the Pathos Logos or Classic MK II, although for large scale you may want to get two classic's (something not uncommonly done).

In my opinion the sim gear isn't as euphonic as it is revealing and transparent.

Plinius 9200 is pretty warm sounding. I had one for a little and thought it was a pretty nice unit, especially since it's a complete package, so long as you're not a phono stage freak.

The BAT can sound very lovely, depending on the setup. The supertube version sounded euphonic when I heard it (with Verity speakers) but the SS version wasn't for me.

Old Rowland gear, like the Concentra, get's referred to as warm, but not nec. my experience with all rowland gear.

I have the Pass INT-150 now and it's quite organic, but don't think it's coming up used yet, and don't know about for that price. Still, worth checking out, if you are around a pass dealer.

I would think one of the Unico hybrids or a Pathos Logos would be a goo direction, especially given the listening preferences.
Check out the LSA hybrid integrateds. They have three models.

All three are reviewed on Stereomojo.com and a couple of other places overseas.
Blue Circle
Few are ever found for sale on Audiogon but I found the Blue Circle integrated to be an outstanding sounding unit.
I do own one and have no intention of ever selling it.
I'm using a GamuT DI-150 right now and it's the best integrated I've had, period. And I've had a lot! But boy is it expensive!!! One that made the Absolute Sound "Best List" is the Primare I30. Great build quality and beautiful sound. I own it as well. It fits your budget. I had the yba Passion and it was a top notch amp as well. But the "sleeper" amp is the Marantz PM11s1. Fantastic build quality and beautiful sound. Powerfull too! Doubles watts from 8 to 4 ohms(100 to 200). All these amps have lived in my system driving Kharma Referance speakers. If you would like e-mail me with any questions. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.
My 840c sounds great on my musical fidelity A1 class A integrated. These just came out 2008 List new is $1900