sweetest sounding ss integrated

Despite my efforts to talk him out of it, a friend of mine is downsizing and simplifying, getting out of tubed separates, and is looking for a ss, or possibly hybrid, integrated that leans towards the euphonic.

Price range: $1500 to $3500 new or used.

Other components: Cambridge 840C, B&W 703s.

Musical preferences: classical, particularly large scale.

Check out the LSA hybrid integrateds. They have three models.

All three are reviewed on Stereomojo.com and a couple of other places overseas.
Blue Circle
Few are ever found for sale on Audiogon but I found the Blue Circle integrated to be an outstanding sounding unit.
I do own one and have no intention of ever selling it.
I'm using a GamuT DI-150 right now and it's the best integrated I've had, period. And I've had a lot! But boy is it expensive!!! One that made the Absolute Sound "Best List" is the Primare I30. Great build quality and beautiful sound. I own it as well. It fits your budget. I had the yba Passion and it was a top notch amp as well. But the "sleeper" amp is the Marantz PM11s1. Fantastic build quality and beautiful sound. Powerfull too! Doubles watts from 8 to 4 ohms(100 to 200). All these amps have lived in my system driving Kharma Referance speakers. If you would like e-mail me with any questions. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.
My 840c sounds great on my musical fidelity A1 class A integrated. These just came out 2008 List new is $1900
YBA Passion for sure, IMO. It doesn't just make music, it delivers a performance! And not only that, it will be an excellent marriage with the 703s.
