Nyame 1-23-2017
It is very difficult to respond rationally to to this type of convoluted nonsense. The only way to determine whether a fuse make a difference is to listen to it. No "measured data" can make this determination. This is why final evaluation of high quality audio products has to pass a listening test before approved for sale.
I agree, aside from the first sentence. My statement to which you were responding did not say or imply anything to the contrary.
The only question is whether the resolution of the playback system is is good enough to allow the difference to be heard. Not all playback systems have the benefits of tuned acoustics, absence from vibrations, optimized loudspeaker placement, good grounding etc
The sound quality and musical resolution of a component or system does not **necessarily** go hand in hand with the sensitivity of a component design to fuse differences, or its sensitivity to any other differences in hardware or tweaks for that matter. Conflating musical resolution and the sensitivity of a design to hardware differences is a common audiophile misconception, IMO, as I have said in a number of past threads. Although there will often tend to be at least a loose degree of correlation between the two, of course.
To cite just one example illustrating that point, among countless others that could be cited, a speaker having low impedance and highly capacitive impedance phase angles, and/or an impedance that varies widely as a function of frequency, will tend to be more revealing of amplifier and speaker cable differences than one that is easy to drive and has a relatively flat impedance curve. Even though that says nothing about which speaker will provide better sound quality or superior resolution of musical detail.
It is THE POWER SUPPLY that is reponsible for the improvements. The fuse allow the power supply to perform more effectively and this, not the fuse, is responsible for the improved performance.
This is a meaningless distinction, IMO.
Thank you for the clarifications you provided on this in response to comments by the others. FWIW, I did not say that **you** concluded that a fuse is inherently directional.
Does any one on this forum really believe that Oregonpapa (The OP of this thread ) is delusional. Can all the many positive reviews of the Synergistic Research fuses on this thread, and in other forums, explained away by saying they are being misled by "perceived effects of the wrong variable?
I have considerable respect for Frank’s system, sonic perceptiveness, and sincerity. My statement certainly did not imply that extraneous variables are responsible for all or even most of the reported differences. However I would feel safe in assuming that they were a factor in **some** of the reports. Especially when it comes to claims of inherent directionality.
In any event, as things stand now it seems clear that the thread has encompassed a plethora of reported experiences, opinions, and technical considerations covering all sides of the issue. Those reading the thread can and will form their own conclusions as to whom and what to believe, and as to how and if to proceed with any fuse upgrades that may be considered.
-- Al
P.S: My thanks are extended to those who expressed favorable reactions to the summary in my previous post, "believers" and "non-believers" alike.